[openstack-dev] [keystone] [oslo] new unified limit library

Lance Bragstad lbragstad at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 16:45:28 UTC 2018

I missed the document describing the process for this sort of thing [0].
So I'm back tracking a bit to go through a more formal process.


# Proposed new library oslo.limit

This is a proposal to create a new library dedicated to enabling more
consistent quota and limit enforcement across OpenStack.

## Proposed library mission

Enforcing quotas and limits across OpenStack has traditionally been a
tough problem to solve. Determining enforcement requires quota knowledge
from the service along with information about the project owning the
resource. Up until the Queens release, quota calculation and enforcement
has been left to the services to implement, forcing them to understand
complexities of keystone project structure. During the Pike and Queens
PTG, there were several productive discussions towards redesigning the
current approach to quota enforcement. Because keystone is the authority
of project structure, it makes sense to allow keystone to hold the
association between a resource limit and a project. This means services
still need to calculate quota and usage, but the problem should be
easier for services to implement since developers shouldn't need to
re-implement possible hierarchies of projects and their associated
limits. Instead, we can offload some of that work to a common library
for services to consume that handles enforcing quota calculation based
on limits associated to projects in keystone. This proposal is to have a
new library called oslo.limit that fills that need.

## Consuming projects

The services consuming this work will be any service that currently
implements a quota system, or plans to implement one. Since keystone
already supports unified limits and association of limits to projects,
the implementation for consuming projects is easier. instead of having
to re-write that implementation, developers need to ensure quota
calculation to passed to the oslo.limit library somewhere in the API's
validation layer. The pattern described here is very similar to the
pattern currently used by services that leverage oslo.policy for
authorization decisions.

## Alternative libraries

It looks like there was an existing library that attempted to solve some
of these problems, called delimiter [1]. It looks like delimiter could
be used to talk to keystone about quota enforcement, where as the
existing approach with oslo.limit would be to use keystone directly.
Someone more familiar with the library (harlowja?) can probably shed
more light on it's intended uses (I couldn't find much documentation),
but the presentation linked in a previous note was helpful.

[1] https://github.com/openstack/delimiter

## Proposed adoption model/plan

The unified limit API [2] in keystone is currently marked as
experimental, but the keystone team is actively collecting and
addressing feedback that will result in stabilizing the API.
Stabilization changes that effect the oslo.limit library will also be
addressed before version 1.0.0 is released. From there, we can look to
incorporate the library into various services that either have an
existing quota implementation, or services that have a quota requirement
but no implementation.

This should help us refine the interfaces between services and
oslo.limit, while providing a facade to handle complexities of project
hierarchies. This should enable adoption by simplifying the process and
making it easier for quota to be implemented in a consistent way across


## Reviewer activity

At first thought, it makes sense to model the reviewer structure after
the oslo.policy library, where the core team consists of people not only
interested in limits and quota, but also people familiar with the
keystone implementation of the unified limits API.

## Implementation

### Primary Authors:

  Lance Bragstad (lbragstad at gmail.com) lbragstad

### Other contributors:


## Work Items

* Create a new library called oslo.limit
* Create a core group for the project
* Define the minimum we need to enforce quota calculations in oslo.limit
* Propose an implementation that allows services to test out quota
enforcement via unified limits

## References

Rocky PTG Etherpad for unified limits:

## Revision History

Introduced in Rocky

On 03/07/2018 11:55 PM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
> So the following was a prior effort:
> https://github.com/openstack/delimiter
> Maybe just continue down the path of that and/or take that whole repo
> over and iterate (or adjust the prior code, or ...)?? Or if not that's
> ok to, ya'll get to decide.
> https://www.slideshare.net/vilobh/delimiter-openstack-cross-project-quota-library-proposal
> Lance Bragstad wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Per the identity-integration track at the PTG [0], I proposed a new oslo
>> library for services to use for hierarchical quota enforcement [1]. Let
>> me know if you have any questions or concerns about the library. If the
>> oslo team would like, I can add an agenda item for next weeks oslo
>> meeting to discuss.
>> Thanks,
>> Lance
>> [0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/unified-limits-rocky-ptg
>> [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/550491/
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