[openstack-dev] [ironic] Deadlines, feature freeze and exceptions

Dmitry Tantsur dtantsur at redhat.com
Mon Jan 22 18:07:12 UTC 2018

Hi all!

We're near the end of the cycle. Here are some important dates to be mindful of:

Thu, Jan 25th - final Queens releases of python-ironicclient and 
python-ironic-inspector-client. Any features that land after that point will get 
to Rocky, no exceptions. Yes, even if the API itself lands in ironic in Queens.

Thu, Jan 25th - begin of the feature freeze for ironic and many other projects. 
No features should land after that date without getting a formal exception first 
- please pay attention when approving the patches. A procedure for a feature 
freeze exception is outlined below.

Fri, Feb 2nd - hard feature freeze. All features with an exception must land by 
this point. Starting with Monday and until the branching we only land bug fixes 
and documentation updates to master.

Thu, Feb 8th - final feature releases for all remaining projects and creation of 
stable/queens. At this point the feature freeze is lifted and master is opened 
for Rocky development.

Now, how to request a feature freeze exception. Please:

* Send a email to this mailing list, with [ironic] and FFE in its subject.
* Outline the reason why you think the feature should go to Queens, and what are 
the downsides. Keep in mind that no API additions will get client support after 
this Thursday.
* Evaluate and explain the risks of landing the feature so late in the cycle.
* Finally, please find at least two cores that agree to review your changes 
during the feature freeze window, and include their names. This is important, we 
don't need FFEs that won't get reviewed.

Happy hacking,

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