[openstack-dev] [PTG] Last Chance for PTG Dublin Tickets

Kendall Waters kendall at openstack.org
Thu Feb 8 15:57:58 UTC 2018

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we sold out the upcoming Dublin PTG, and have since received many requests for more tickets. We have been working with the venue to accommodate extra capacity, but every additional attendee incrementally increases our costs $600. We understand the importance of this event and the need to have key team members present, so we have negotiated an additional 100 tickets which we will partially subsidize to be sold at a $400 ticket price. We recognize this is significantly more than we have had to charge in the past, but we still hope you can join us in Dublin. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Kendall Waters
OpenStack Marketing
kendall at openstack.org

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