One of the things I hope to accomplish in Rocky is to switch to the config-download[1] ansible driven deployment mechanism by default. We made a lot of great progress during Queens, including switching over several of our CI jobs such as containers-multinode and ovb-ha (among a few others). I have filed several blueprints to track the remaining work. They can all be seen linked as related dependencies from the final task: The final task is to deprecate the non-config-download deploy mechanism. This is critical because we only want to be supporting a single mechanism, so we really need to switch to config-download as the new default *and* deprecate the previous method. I'll briefly list the other blueprints: UI support: ceph-ansible to use external_deploy_tasks: octavia to use external_deploy_tasks: skydive to use external_deploy_tasks: deprecate workflow_tasks: (there will probably be others) During Rocky, it will probably be helpful to organize our work around a squad, with an etherpad to help track and report high level status. I'll set this up this week. If you plan to participate with this work, please let me know. [1] -- -- James Slagle --