[openstack-dev] Update on Zuul v3 Rollout plans for PTG week

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Sat Sep 9 13:55:22 UTC 2017

Heya everybody!

You may or may not be aware that we've been targeting a go-live for Zuul 
v3 for Monday of the PTG. After our status meeting on the topic this 
afternoon we have decided to hold-off and do a bit more work on the 
migration itself while we're in Denver together.

Zuul v3 itself is in great shape, but it turns out a community of 
thousands of developers has produced a LOT of job content over the last 
7 years, and we want to hammer on the translation and migration plans a 
bit more before we unleash it on everyone. If all goes well we're still 
hoping to leave Denver having migrated all the things.

We have a session planned Monday afternoon to go over v3 and what it 
means at 2:00PM in Vail. That session is still on, however, for those of 
you who either can't be there or prefer reading, we've also put a bunch 
of migration information into the Infra Manual:


As we work over the first part of the week you may see Zuul running some 
jobs on your patches and leaving results. If you do - don't freak out, 
it's just us making sure things are working. We also may grab a few of 
you to verify that migrated versions of your jobs are working properly. 
Or you may not notice anything at all until the go-live happens.

See you in Denver!

PS. If you are reading this and thinking to yourself, "what the heck is 
he talking about?" - the following resources might be interesting:

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4EmE1QEvNU - Video of presentation 
from Barcelona about Zuul v3 - a bit old, but has some good background
* http://amo-probos.org/post/18 - Jim's blog post about the switch to 
the Ansible-based Zuul 2.5 we're running now
* http://inaugust.com/talks/test-it-like-you-deploy-it.html - Some 
slides I use to talk about Zuul v3 sometimes
- The Zuul v3 spec itself

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