[openstack-dev] [manila] Need Updated Driver Maintainers in DriverLog

Dustin Schoenbrun dschoenb at redhat.com
Mon Oct 23 14:48:24 UTC 2017

Hey all,

I was going through the DriverLog [0] to have an idea of which drivers were
maintained by whom as I go through the backlog of bugs so that I know who
to assign a driver-specific bug to if it's not already assigned. If the
driver maintainers could update the relevant parts of the DriverLog that
would be fantastic. I've attached a PDF of the known Manila drivers and
their maintainers, but know that this information is out of date and is
compiled from an old sheet that Ben had and the information that is
currently in the DriverLog. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

[0] -

Dustin Schoenbrun
OpenStack Quality Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.
dschoenb at redhat.com
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