[openstack-dev] [tc][infra][release][security][stable][kolla][loci][tripleo][docker][kubernetes] do we want to be publishing binary container images?

Flavio Percoco flavio at redhat.com
Tue May 16 01:50:23 UTC 2017

On 15/05/17 11:49 -0700, Michał Jastrzębski wrote:
>On 15 May 2017 at 11:19, Davanum Srinivas <davanum at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry for the top post, Michal, Can you please clarify a couple of things:
>> 1) Can folks install just one or two services for their specific scenario?
>Yes, that's more of a kolla-ansible feature and require a little bit
>of ansible know-how, but entirely possible. Kolla-k8s is built to
>allow maximum flexibility in that space.
>> 2) Can the container images from kolla be run on bare docker daemon?
>Yes, but they need to either override our default CMD (kolla_start) or
>provide ENVs requred by it, not a huge deal
>> 3) Can someone take the kolla container images from say dockerhub and
>> use it without the Kolla framework?
>Yes, there is no such thing as kolla framework really. Our images
>follow stable ABI and they can be deployed by any deploy mechanism
>that will follow it. We have several users who wrote their own deploy
>mechanism from scratch.
>Containers are just blobs with binaries in it. Little things that we
>add are kolla_start script to allow our config file management and
>some custom startup scripts for things like mariadb to help with
>bootstrapping, both are entirely optional.

Just as a bonus example, TripleO is currently using kolla images. They used to
be vanilla and they are not anymore but only because TripleO depends on puppet
being in the image, which has nothing to do with kolla.


Flavio Percoco
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