[openstack-dev] [tc][keystone][tacker]

Shake Chen shake.chen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 12 14:59:40 UTC 2017

why not use barbican?

On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 10:33 PM, yanxingan at cmss.chinamobile.com <
yanxingan at cmss.chinamobile.com> wrote:

> Hi, folks:
>     Currently tacker server node stores fernet keys for vim
> password decryption on local root file system.
> If Tacker service serves API requests through a load balancer,
> then the operation will fail if the request
> is not fulfilled by the server node which created and
> stored the fernet key.
>     So we need a possible solution for syncing the keys
> across multiple server nodes. Currently we are
> thinking about storing the fernet keys via ceph or swift.
>   Do you have any suggestions on this approach, or does other project has
> already dealt with this problem?
> Thanks.
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Shake Chen
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