[openstack-dev] [trove][all][tc] A proposal to rearchitect Trove

Amrith Kumar amrith.kumar at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 17:50:49 UTC 2017

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Zane Bitter <zbitter at redhat.com> wrote:

> (Top posting. Deal with it ;)
​Yes, please keep the conversation going; top posting is fine, the k8s
issue isn't 'off topic'.

> You're both right!
> Making OpenStack monolithic is not the answer. In fact, rearranging Git
> repos has nothing to do with the answer.
> But back in the day we had a process (incubation) for adding stuff to
> OpenStack that it made sense to depend on being there. It was a highly
> imperfect process. We got rid of that process with the big tent reform, but
> didn't really replace it with anything at all. Tags never evolved into a
> replacement as I hoped they would.
> So now we have a bunch of things that are integral to building a
> "Kubernetes-like experience for application developers" - secret storage,
> DNS, load balancing, asynchronous messaging - that exist but are not in
> most clouds. (Not to mention others like fine-grained authorisation control
> that are completely MIA.)
> Instead of trying to drive adoption of all of that stuff, we are either
> just giving up or reinventing bits of it, badly, in multiple places. The
> biggest enemy of "do one thing and do it well" is when a thing that you
> need to do was chosen by a project in another silo as their "one thing",
> but you don't want to just depend on that project because it's not widely
> adopted.
> I'm not saying this is an easy problem. It's something that the
> proprietary public cloud providers don't face: if you have only one cloud
> then you can just design everything to be as tightly integrated as it needs
> to be. When you have multiple clouds and the components are optional you
> have to do a bit more work. But if those components are rarely used at all
> then you lose the feedback loop that helps create a single polished
> implementation and everything else has to choose between not integrating,
> or implementing just the bits it needs itself so that whatever smaller
> feedback loop does manage to form, the benefits are contained entirely
> within the silo. OpenStack is arguably the only cloud project that has to
> deal with this. (Azure is also going into the same market, but they already
> have the feedback loop set up because they run their own public cloud built
> from the components.) Figuring out how to empower the community to solve
> this problem is our #1 governance concern IMHO.
> In my view, one of the keys is to stop thinking of OpenStack as an
> abstraction layer over a bunch of vendor technologies. If you think of Nova
> as an abstraction layer over libvirt/Xen/HyperV, and Keystone as an
> abstraction layer over LDAP/ActiveDirectory, and Cinder/Neutron as an
> abstraction layer over a bunch of storage/network vendors, then two things
> will happen. The first is unrelenting "pressure from vendors to add
> yet-another-specialized-feature to the codebase" that you won't be able
> to push back against because you can't point to a competing vision. And the
> second is that you will never build a integrated, application-centric
> cloud, because the integration bit needs to happen at the layer above the
> backends we are abstracting.
> We need to think of those things as the compute, authn, block storage and
> networking components of an integrated, application-centric cloud. And to
> remember that *by no means* are those the only components it will need -
> "The mission of Kubernetes is much smaller than OpenStack"; there's a lot
> we need to do.
> So no, the strength of k8s isn't in having a monolithic git repo (and I
> don't think that's what Kevin was suggesting). That's actually a
> slow-motion train-wreck waiting to happen. Its strength is being able to do
> all of this stuff and still be easy enough to install, so that there's no
> question of trying to build bits of it without relying on shared primitives.
> cheers,
> Zane.
> On 22/06/17 13:05, Jay Pipes wrote:
>> On 06/22/2017 11:59 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
>>> My $0.02.
>>> That view of dependencies is why Kubernetes development is outpacing
>>> OpenStacks and some users are leaving IMO. Not trying to be mean here but
>>> trying to shine some light on this issue.
>>> Kubernetes at its core has essentially something kind of equivalent to
>>> keystone (k8s rbac), nova (container mgmt), cinder (pv/pvc/storageclasses),
>>> heat with convergence (deployments/daemonsets/etc), barbican (secrets),
>>> designate (kube-dns), and octavia (kube-proxy,svc,ingress) in one unit. Ops
>>> dont have to work hard to get all of it, users can assume its all there,
>>> and devs don't have many silo's to cross to implement features that touch
>>> multiple pieces.
>> I think it's kind of hysterical that you're advocating a monolithic
>> approach when the thing you're advocating (k8s) is all about enabling
>> non-monolithic microservices architectures.
>> Look, the fact of the matter is that OpenStack's mission is larger than
>> that of Kubernetes. And to say that "Ops don't have to work hard" to get
>> and maintain a Kubernetes deployment (which, frankly, tends to be dozens of
>> Kubernetes deployments, one for each tenant/project/namespace) is
>> completely glossing over the fact that by abstracting away the
>> infrastructure (k8s' "cloud provider" concept), Kubernetes developers
>> simply get to ignore some of the hardest and trickiest parts of operations.
>> So, let's try to compare apples to apples, shall we?
>> It sounds like the end goal that you're advocating -- more than anything
>> else -- is an easy-to-install package of OpenStack services that provides a
>> Kubernetes-like experience for application developers.
>> I 100% agree with that goal. 100%.
>> But pulling Neutron, Cinder, Keystone, Designate, Barbican, and Octavia
>> back into Nova is not the way to do that. You're trying to solve a
>> packaging and installation problem with a code structure solution.
>> In fact, if you look at the Kubernetes development community, you see the
>> *opposite* direction being taken: they have broken out and are actively
>> breaking out large pieces of the Kubernetes repository/codebase into
>> separate repositories and addons/plugins. And this is being done to
>> *accelerate* development of Kubernetes in very much the same way that
>> splitting services out of Nova was done to accelerate the development of
>> those various pieces of infrastructure code.
>> This core functionality being combined has allowed them to land features
>>> that are really important to users but has proven difficult for OpenStack
>>> to do because of the silo's. OpenStack's general pattern has been, stand up
>>> a new service for new feature, then no one wants to depend on it so its
>>> ignored and each silo reimplements a lesser version of it themselves.
>> I disagree. I believe the reason Kubernetes is able to land features that
>> are "really important to users" is primarily due to the following reasons:
>> 1) The Kubernetes technical leadership strongly resists pressure from
>> vendors to add yet-another-specialized-feature to the codebase. This
>> ability to say "No" pays off in spades with regards to stability and focus.
>> 2) The mission of Kubernetes is much smaller than OpenStack. If the
>> OpenStack community were able to say "OpenStack is a container
>> orchestration system", and not "OpenStack is a ubiquitous open source cloud
>> operating system", we'd probably be able to deliver features in a more
>> focused fashion.
>> The OpenStack commons then continues to suffer.
>>> We need to stop this destructive cycle.
>>> OpenStack needs to figure out how to increase its commons. Both
>>> internally and externally. etcd as a common service was a step in the right
>>> direction.
>>> I think k8s needs to be another common service all the others can rely
>>> on. That could greatly simplify the rest of the OpenStack projects as a lot
>>> of its functionality no longer has to be implemented in each project.
>> I don't disagree with the goal of being able to rely on Kubernetes for
>> many things. But relying on Kubernetes doesn't solve the "I want some
>> easy-to-install infrastructure" problem. Nor does it solve the types of
>> advanced networking scenarios that the NFV community requires.
>> We also need a way to break down the silo walls and allow more cross
>>> project collaboration for features. I fear the new push for letting
>>> projects run standalone will make this worse, not better, further
>>> fracturing OpenStack.
>> Perhaps you are referring to me with the above? As I said on Twitter,
>> "Make your #OpenStack project usable by and useful for things outside of
>> the OpenStack ecosystem. Fewer deps. Do one thing well. Solid APIs."
>> I don't think that the above leads to "further fracturing OpenStack". I
>> think it leads to solid, reusable components.
>> Best,
>> -jay
>> Thanks,
>>> Kevin
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Thierry Carrez [thierry at openstack.org]
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 12:58 AM
>>> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
>>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove][all][tc] A proposal to rearchitect
>>> Trove
>>> Fox, Kevin M wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>> If you build a Tessmaster clone just to do mariadb, then you share
>>>> nothing with the other communities and have to reinvent the wheel, yet
>>>> again. Operators load increases because the tool doesn't function like
>>>> other tools.
>>>> If you rely on a container orchestration engine that's already cross
>>>> cloud that can be easily deployed by user or cloud operator, and fill in
>>>> the gaps with what Trove wants to support, easy management of db's, you get
>>>> to reuse a lot of the commons and the users slight increase in investment
>>>> in dealing with the bit of extra plumbing in there allows other things to
>>>> also be easily added to their cluster. Its very rare that a user would need
>>>> to deploy/manage only a database. The net load on the operator decreases,
>>>> not increases.
>>> I think the user-side tool could totally deploy on Kubernetes clusters
>>> -- if that was the only possible target that would make it a Kubernetes
>>> tool more than an open infrastructure tool, but that's definitely a
>>> possibility. I'm not sure work is needed there though, there are already
>>> tools (or charts) doing that ?
>>> For a server-side approach where you want to provide a DB-provisioning
>>> API, I fear that making the functionality depend on K8s would make
>>> TroveV2/Hoard would not only depend on Heat and Nova, but also depend on
>>> something that would deploy a Kubernetes cluster (Magnum?), which would
>>> likely hurt its adoption (and reusability in simpler setups). Since
>>> databases would just work perfectly well in VMs, it feels like a
>>> gratuitous dependency addition ?
>>> We generally need to be very careful about creating dependencies between
>>> OpenStack projects. On one side there are base services (like Keystone)
>>> that we said it was alright to depend on, but depending on anything else
>>> is likely to reduce adoption. Magnum adoption suffers from its
>>> dependency on Heat. If Heat starts depending on Zaqar, we make the
>>> problem worse. I understand it's a hard trade-off: you want to reuse
>>> functionality rather than reinvent it in every project... we just need
>>> to recognize the cost of doing that.
>>> --
>>> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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