[openstack-dev] [deployment] [oslo] [ansible] [tripleo] [kolla] [helm] Configuration management with etcd / confd

Fox, Kevin M Kevin.Fox at pnnl.gov
Thu Jun 8 20:29:21 UTC 2017

That is possible. But, a yaml/json driver might still be good, regardless of the mechanism used to transfer the file.

So the driver abstraction still might be useful.

From: Doug Hellmann [doug at doughellmann.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2017 1:19 PM
To: openstack-dev
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [deployment] [oslo] [ansible] [tripleo] [kolla]    [helm] Configuration management with etcd / confd

Excerpts from Fox, Kevin M's message of 2017-06-08 20:08:25 +0000:
> Yeah, I think k8s configmaps might be a good config mechanism for k8s based openstack deployment.
> One feature that might help which is related to the etcd plugin would be a yaml/json plugin. It would allow more native looking configmaps.

We have at least 2 mechanisms for getting config files into containers
without such significant changes to oslo.config.  At this point I'm
not sure it's necessary to do the driver work at all.


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