[openstack-dev] [tc] Technical Committee Status update, July 28th

Flavio Percoco flavio at redhat.com
Mon Jul 31 05:58:12 UTC 2017

On 28/07/17 10:50 +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>This is the weekly update on Technical Committee initiatives. You can
>find the full list of all open topics at:
>== Recently-approved changes ==
>* Declare plainly the current state of PostgreSQL in OpenStack [1]
>* Clean up remaining 'big tent' mention in Licensing requirements [2]
>* Queens goals updates: octavia
>* New repositories: charm-deployment-guide
>* Repositories moved to legacy: api-site, faafo
>* Removed repositories: deb-mistral-dashboard
>[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/427880/
>[2] https://review.openstack.org/484607
>The big item of the week is the final merge, after almost 6 months of
>discussion, of the resolution declaring plainly the state of PostgreSQL
>in OpenStack:
>Additionally, the governance repository was tagged in preparation for
>the PTL elections, to clearly define the teams and associated
>repositories that will be considered.
>== Open discussions ==
>Flavio's resolution about allowing teams to host meetings in their own
>IRC channels is still in the early days of discussion, and is likely to
>need a few iterations to iron out:

I'll update this patch asap. Heads up, I'll be out most of this week so expect
an update by next week (unless I get to it today).

>== TC member actions for the coming week(s) ==
>Flavio still needs to incorporate feedback in the "Drop TC meetings"
>proposal and produce a new patchset, or abandon it since we pretty much
>already implemented the described change.

ditto! :D


Flavio Percoco
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