[openstack-dev] [oslo][monasca] Can we uncap python-kafka ?

gordon chung gord at live.ca
Wed Jan 18 17:08:24 UTC 2017

On 17/01/17 06:58 PM, Keen, Joe wrote:
> I also see additional problems with the use of the deprecated
> SimpleConsumer and SimpleProducer clients.  We really do need to
> investigate migrating to the new async only Producer objects while still
> maintaining the reliability guarantees that Monasca requires.

is there a reason why you are against bumping Kafka up for OpenStack? it 
seems Monasca requires 0.9.5 and is content with it. but the oslo team 
has developed something that works well for the use case for the broader 
OpenStack ecosystem.

this seems like a better solution would be to just allow monasca to stay 
as is and the openstack requirements to progress rather than get blocked 
by a service that may or may not be deployed.

the same thing was done when we bumped elasticsearch requirements. there 
are multiple projects using elasticsearch. we didn't have anyone working 
on it in Ceilometer so rather than block the entire community. we let it 
proceed and we could catch up later if it was urgent.


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