[openstack-dev] [tripleo] TripleO CI Squad meeting

Arx Cruz arxcruz at redhat.com
Tue Dec 5 18:17:10 UTC 2017


Here’s the highlights from TripleO CI Squad meeting from November 30

   - Roles
      - The Ruck and the Rover will be responsible for any CI problems, so
      if you have anything related to CI, please contact them. The rest of the
      team will work on the sprint
         - Ruck
            - Matt Young, irc: myoung|ruck
         - Rover
            - Sagi Shnaidman, irc: sshnaidm

   - Team
      - Arx Cruz
      - Ronelle Landy
      - Attila Darazs
      - Gabrielle Cerami
      - John Trowbridge

   - For this sprint 11/30/2017 - 12/13/2017
      - The proposed topic is make easy to developers reproduce CI jobs on
      their own RDO Cloud
         - Break up the upstream workflow for both ovb and multinode
         nodepool jobs into logical steps such that both CI and
developers can walk
         through a deployment step by step.
         - Update / Create a reproduce.sh script for TripleO-CI where a
         developer can download the script and reproduce the test
environment in
      - The epic task with more information can be found here
      - Tasks can be found in both the trello card above, or in the TripleO
      CI Squad trello board using the filter by label “Sprint 4 (11/30/2017 -
      12/13/2017)” or clicking in this link here

   - Promotions
      - Master promoted 12/5/2017
      - Pike promoted 12/2/2017
      - Ocata promoted 12/4/2017

   - Gate Jobs
         - The list of containers that are uploaded is currently a static
         list requiring updates.  This is less than ideal when devel adds new
         containers as it will cause gate failures.
            - https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1736411
         - Scenario003 is failing periodically in the gate
            - https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1736284

If you have any questions, suggestions please let us know. Your feedback is
very important to us!

Kind regards,
Arx Cruz
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