[openstack-dev] [election][tc] Nominating for Technical Committee

Joshua Hesketh joshua.hesketh at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 13:06:21 UTC 2017


My name is Joshua Hesketh and I would like to self nominate for the

I work for Rackspace Australia and have been involved in the OpenStack
since the Havana release circa 2013. I have been primarily working on the
Infrastructure (infra) project where I am both a core contributor and root.

Outside of OpenStack, I have experience leading various communities within
Oceania region. For six years I served the open source community as
and Treasurer of Linux Australia. During this time I helped to grow and
the organisation from overseeing a single conference each year, to over
Additionally I've directly helped organise and run multiple Linux Australia
Conferences (linux.conf.au), PyCon Australia Conferences, as well as
and cloud/infrastructure miniconfs.

I am a strong proponent and advocate for free and open source software. I am
also a strong believer in the Four Opens that make up OpenStack, and
believe we
lead the way for managing open clouds. I want to do all that I can to help
further this mission.

The Technical Committee has been doing a great job leading the community
and I
don't have a particular platform for radical change. Instead, I would like
help continue to strengthen and work on the committee with a focus on the

 - Enabling the community. The TC is here to serve the community and
 - Protecting our values, in particular the Four Opens.
 - Continuing to investigate and evaluate alternative technologies and how
   work with them. For example, evaluating and introducing new languages.
 - Promote collaboration with the wider open source community. For example,
   participating with communities such as kubernetes.
 - Easing pain for operators, deployers and users by helping to improve
   consistency across projects through OpenStack-wide goals.

I would be glad to answer any questions during the candidacy period (and any
time for that matter) and if elected I look forward to working in this new

Thank you for your consideration,
Joshua Hesketh
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