[openstack-dev] [ironic] base node payload for notification

Tripp, Travis S travis.tripp at hpe.com
Thu Sep 29 16:01:00 UTC 2016

On 9/27/16, 8:23 AM, "Jim Rollenhagen" <jim at jimrollenhagen.com> wrote:

    On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 9:57 AM, Loo, Ruby <ruby.loo at intel.com> wrote:
    > Hi Yuriy,
    > Thanks for bringing this up. I'm good with your list, with the exception of
    > driver_info and instance_info. I'm on the fence with these two. If we assume
    > that any secrets will be bleep'd out (configdrives won't be there), is there
    > other information there that might be useful? I'm not totally sure what
    > notifications will be used for; it is somewhat hard to assume.
    > I suppose we could look at it this way, since you and Mario are fine without
    > those two. If no one speaks up wanting them, then we'll do as you propose,
    > and not expose those two fields.
On 9/27/16, 8:23 AM, "Jim Rollenhagen" <jim at jimrollenhagen.com> wrote:

    > 2) Searching things with searchlight - the obvious case for driver_info is "find
    > all nodes with BMCs on the network" or similar things.
We’ve done some usability studies on searchlight UI and one of the most useful use cases that has emerged is the ability to search based on IP addresses / ranges / cidr (all supported by the underlying elastic search engine). In most searchlight plugins (e.g. glance / nova), we’ve indexed any data visible via the API. For sensitive fields, you can set them to be admin only (or use other filtering abilities in the plugin).

In addition, if you guys have any interest in doing some aggregation like abilities in addition to search, you can do that using the searchlight indexing.  For example, counts, averages, various statistics can be done via the aggregation API exposed up via searchlight [0] of the ElasticSearch aggregation API [1]. For example, one simple use case we’ve used it for is to get a count of images & flavors used across nova instances or hosts.

 [0] http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/search/?expanded=create-an-aggregated-search-detail
 [1] https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations.html

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