[openstack-dev] [oslo.db] [release] opportunistic tests breaking randomly

Joshua Harlow harlowja at fastmail.com
Wed Sep 21 16:03:33 UTC 2016

Mike Bayer wrote:
> On 09/21/2016 11:41 AM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>> I've seen something similar at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/316935/
>> Maybe its time we asked again why are we still using eventlet and do we
>> need to anymore. What functionality of it are people actually taking
>> advantage of? If it's supporting libraries like oslo.service then it'd
>> probably be useful to talk to the ceilometer folks who replaced
>> oslo.service with something else (another oslo library for periodics and
>> https://github.com/sileht/cotyledon for service oriented tasks).
> Plus Keystone has gotten off of it.
> I actually like eventlet and gevent quite a lot. I am using it in a new
> middleware component that will be involved with database connection
> pooling. However, I *don't* use the global monkeypatching aspect. That's
> where this all goes very wrong. Things that are designed for synchronous
> operations, like database-oriented business methods as well as the work
> of the database driver itself, should run within threads. You can in
> fact use eventlet/gevent's APIs explicitly and you can even combine it
> with traditional threading explicitly. I'm actually using a stdlib Queue
> (carefully) to send data between greenlets and threads. Madness!

Agreed (thanks for making that clear), it's really the monkeying that 
kills things, not eventlet/gevent directly, fair point.


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