[openstack-dev] [tricircle][trio2o] trio2o git repo ready and tricircle splitting

joehuang joehuang at huawei.com
Sun Sep 18 08:34:54 UTC 2016

Thank you for your comment, Zhiyuan.

For pod management, because these two projects need to run independently, I think submit patches separately as needed may be a better choice.

Best Regards
Chaoyi Huang(joehuang)
From: Vega Cai [luckyvega.g at gmail.com]
Sent: 18 September 2016 16:27
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [tricircle][trio2o] trio2o git repo ready and tricircle splitting

+1 for the proposal. What about the codes for Pod operation? It seems that both Tricircle and Trio2o need these codes. We submit patches to these two projects separately?


joehuang <joehuang at huawei.com<mailto:joehuang at huawei.com>>于2016年9月18日周日 下午4:17写道:
hello, team,

Trio2o git repository is ready now: https://github.com/openstack/trio2o

The repository inherited all files and commit messages from Tricircle.

It's now the time start to do the tricircle splitting: a blue print is registere for Tricircle cleaning: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tricircle/+spec/make-tricircle-dedicated-for-networking-automation-across-neutron.There are lots of documentation work to do. Please review these doc in the BP, thanks.

There are some proposal for patches during the splitting:

1. For patch which is already in review status, let's review it in Tricircle (no matter it's for Trio2o or Tricircle), after it's get merged, then port it to Trio2o. After all patches get merged, let's have a last tag for Tricircle to cover both gateway and networking automation function. Then the cleaning will be done in Tricircle to make Tricircle as a project for networking automation only
2. For new patch which is only applicable to Trio2o, I propose that we submit such patches in Trio2o only, no need to submit in Tricircle.

Would like to know your thoughts on the splitting.

Best Regards
Chaoyi Huang(joehuang)

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