[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Adding ihrachys to the neutron-drivers team

Dariusz Śmigiel smigiel.dariusz at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 17:19:34 UTC 2016

Congrats Ihar. You deserve this!

2016-09-17 18:40 GMT+02:00 Armando M. <armamig at gmail.com>:
> Hi folks,
> I would like to propose Ihar to become a member of the Neutron drivers team
> [1].
> Ihar wide knowledge of the Neutron codebase, and his longstanding duties as
> stable core, downstream package whisperer, release and oslo liaison (I am
> sure I am forgetting some other capacity he is in) is going to put him at
> great comfort in the newly appointed role, and help him grow and become wise
> even further.
> Even though we have not been meeting regularly lately we will resume our
> Thursday meetings soon [2], and having Ihar onboard by then will be highly
> beneficial.
> Please, join me in welcome Ihar to the team.
> Cheers,
> Armando
> [1]
> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/neutron/policies/neutron-teams.html#drivers-team
> [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers
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Darek "dasm" Śmigiel

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