[openstack-dev] TC Candidacy

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Tue Oct 4 03:17:33 UTC 2016

On 2016-10-03 12:23:47 -0700 (-0700), Clay Gerrard wrote:
> This was a riveting soapbox missive - and I agree with what you said -
> particularly about the focus on breaking down the barriers to building out
> and supporting the OpenStack contributor base.

Thanks! Rather than talk about myself or recount the same concerns
and goals I've come to expect in others' platform statements, I
wanted to use it as an opportunity to bring some different topics to
the forefront which I feel aren't discussed enough. If it evoked
thought about those particular issues, then I was successful.

> But I don't have a good sense for how you want to apply that focus in
> action on the TC?

I'll be frank. Many people whose opinions I respect deeply
encouraged me to run. The loss of several incumbents and, with them,
their wisdom and history with the project has left many worried
about what would happen if most of the options this term were
relative newcomers to our community or those with limited
involvement and perspective across the breadth of OpenStack. I've
since been relieved to see that we ended up with many great
candidates. I'm still willing to serve on the TC if that is the will
of the electorate, but I'm satisfied that whether or not I'm elected
the future of our technical committee is in good hands.

Issues like those I mentioned in my position statement are, of
course, not easily addressed. They require an effort on the part of
our entire community, and I plan to continue trying to lead by
example in hope that others will join in. Honestly, there's little I
(or anyone for that matter) can accomplish as a member of the TC
that can't be done simply as a concerned member of our community,
and to me that is perhaps OpenStack's greatest strength. We're all
free to convince others to support our solutions, to draft and
propose policy changes and to voice our concerns through numerous
channels of communication to the body of prudent representatives
we've elected. So you ask what I intend to accomplish as a member of
the TC... probably many of the same things I'll attempt to
accomplish regardless, but I'll also be helping to decide where we
as a community will focus our available resources through approval
or rejection of changes to governance policy.

> I went back and looked at a number of mailing list
> threads you participated in - and happily recalled your very matter of fact
> presentation.  Frankly it was quite refreshing to see how often you seemed
> to offer historical context more that your personal opinion (!!!)

A straightforward aggregation and logical analysis of prior events
increases the chance for impartial decisions. While ideals and goals
are important (and I certainly have my fair share of both), I still
prefer a choice based in reason and research over one filled with
emotion and conviction. The latter too often ends deadlocked in a
stalemate of conflicting opinion rather than reaching useful

> Is there any *specific* goals you have for a one year term on the TC - or
> do you think more focus on contributors is the most important thing to fix
> first?  Would you perhaps consider to share your thoughts in response to
> Gordon's question [1]?

Indeed, I've just finished responding to his open question, so I'll
spare our gentle readers a rehashing of the same here.
Jeremy Stanley
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