[openstack-dev] [kolla] Re: Your draft logo & sneak peek

Paul Bourke paul.bourke at oracle.com
Fri Nov 11 12:47:46 UTC 2016

Reminder Kolla, today is the deadline for feedback on this! Personally I 
think it could use a few tweaks so please don't forget to take a look.

Link: http://tinyurl.com/OSmascot

On 21/10/16 21:58, Steven Dake (stdake) wrote:
> Forgot kolla tag in subject.
> From: Steven Dake <stdake at cisco.com <mailto:stdake at cisco.com>>
> Date: Friday, October 21, 2016 at 7:50 PM
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> <mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
> Cc: "Jastrzebski, Michal" <michal.jastrzebski at intel.com
> <mailto:michal.jastrzebski at intel.com>>
> Subject: FW: Your draft logo & sneak peek
> Folks,
> Inline is the draft logo of the Kolla mascot and logo.  We will be
> getting various types of swag at the first PTG related to our mascot.
>  The deadline for feedback is November 11th, 2016.  See the email inside
> from Heidi for more information on our project mascots.
> Super exciting!
> Regards
> -steve
> From: Heidi Joy Tretheway <heidijoy at openstack.org
> <mailto:heidijoy at openstack.org>>
> Date: Friday, October 21, 2016 at 7:16 PM
> To: Steven Dake <stdake at cisco.com <mailto:stdake at cisco.com>>
> Subject: Your draft logo & sneak peek
> Hi Steven,
> We're excited to show you the draft version of your project logo,
> attached. We want to give you and your team a chance to see the mascot
> illustrations before we make them official, so we decided to make
> Barcelona the draft target, with final logos ready by the Project Team
> Gathering in Atlanta in February.
> Our illustrators worked as fast as possible to draft nearly 60 logos,
> and we're thrilled to see how they work as a family. Here's a 50-second
> "sneak peek" at how they came together: https://youtu.be/JmMTCWyY8Y4
> We welcome you to *share this logo with your team and discuss it in
> Barcelona*. We're very happy to take feedback on it if we've missed the
> mark. The style of the logos is consistent across projects, and we did
> our best to incorporate any special requests, such as an element of an
> animal that is especially important, or a reference to an old logo.
> We ask that you don't start using this logo now since it's a draft.
> Here's *what you can expect for the final product*:
>   * A horizontal version of the logo, including your mascot, project
>     name and the words "An OpenStack Community project"
>   * A square(ish) version of the logo, including all of the above
>   * A mascot-only version of the logo
>   * Stickers for all project teams distributed at the PTG
>   * One piece of swag that incorporates all project mascots, such as a
>     deck of playing cards, distributed at the PTG
>   * All digital files will be available through the website
> We know this is a busy time for you, so to take some of the burden of
> coordinating feedback off you, we made a feedback
> form*:* http://tinyurl.com/OSmascot  You are also welcome to reach out
> to Heidi Joy directly with questions or concerns. Please
> provide *feedback by Friday, Nov. 11*, so that we can request revisions
> from the illustrators if needed. Or, if this logo looks great, just
> reply to this email and you don't need to take any further action.
> Thank you!
> Heidi Joy Tretheway - project lead
> Todd Morey - creative lead
> P.S. Here's an email that you can copy/paste to send to your team
> (remember to attach your logo from my email):
> Hi team,
> I just received a draft version of our project logo, using the mascot we
> selected together. A final version (and some cool swag) will be ready
> for us before the Project Team Gathering in February. Before they make
> our logo final, they want to be sure we're happy with our mascot.
> We can discuss any concerns in Barcelona and you can also provide direct
> feedback to the designers: http://tinyurl.com/OSmascot  Logo feedback is
> due Friday, Nov. 11. To get a sense of how ours stacks up to others,
> check out this sneak preview of several dozen draft logos from our
> community: https://youtu.be/JmMTCWyY8Y4
> photo 		
> *Heidi Joy Tretheway*
> Senior Marketing Manager, OpenStack Foundation
> 503 816 9769 <tel:503 816 9769> | Skype: heidi.tretheway
> <https://webapp.wisestamp.com/sig_iframe?origin=mac-mail&signature_id=5499768844845056&t=0.9726545857097719#>
> <http://linkedin.com/in/heiditretheway> <http://twitter.com/heiditretheway> <http://www.openstack.org/>
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