[openstack-dev] [Docs] Changes to docs speciality teams, meetings, and reporting

Lana Brindley openstack at lanabrindley.com
Tue Nov 8 00:43:00 UTC 2016

We now have a new docs meeting time, every second Thursday 2100, starting next week, on 18 November.

See you there!


On 04/11/16 11:23, Lana Brindley wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> There was a long-running and wide-ranging conversation during Summit about community engagement in the docs team, most formally at the 'Social Things' session[1], and culminating in the 'Ocata Planning' session[2] on the last day. I suggest you read those etherpads if you weren't at the sessions. This was a major part of my PTL candidacy platform for Ocata, and I'm excited that we had so much productive conversation, complete with  some action items that we can implement immediately.
> First of all, we have seen a drop off in both docs mailing list traffic and docs meeting conversation over the past twelve months or so, even though contributions have remained steady (for the openstack-manuals repo). This is attributed partially to a much-improved Contributor Guide (meaning we spend less time on answering the same questions over and over), and but it's also apparently because conversation is splintering off into speciality team groups, rather than happening in the wider context of the docs group as a whole. 
> So, while speciality teams are definitely valued and important, especially when it comes to directing and completing specific work items, we have come up with a few smaller changes we can make to try and improve our sense of community:
> * Speciality team meetings are now going to be restricted to once per month, or on an as-needed basis.
> * The docs meeting will change to a single Euro/APAC timed meeting, every second week, probably around 2100 UTC (to be  confirmed).
> * I will no longer be asking speciality team leads for a written report for the newsletter. Instead, please attend the docs meeting and report there. If you are not able to attend, you will have the option to provide a written report ahead of time to be presented by a proxy. 
> * The newsletter will go to every second week, timed to be after the docs meeting, and will contain speciality team reports and other updates from that meeting.
> I would like your feedback on these changes, especially if you didn't get a chance to  participate in the conversation at Summit.
> I will be implementing these changes over the next week or so, and there will be further opportunity for you  to express your opinion on these changes as we go.
> Lana
> 1: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BCN-Docs-Social
> 2: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BCN-Docs-OcataPlanningWG

Lana Brindley
Technical Writer
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia

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