[openstack-dev] [release][all][ptl] release process changes for official projects

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Tue Mar 29 16:44:43 UTC 2016

During the Mitaka cycle, the release team worked on automation for
tagging and documenting releases [1]. For the first phase, we focused
on official teams with the release:managed tag for their deliverables,
to keep the number of projects manageable as we built out the tools
and processes we needed. That created a bit of confusion as official
projects still had to submit openstack/releases changes in order
to appear on the releases.openstack.org website.

For the second phase during the Newton cycle, we are prepared to
expand the use of automation to all deliverables for all official
projects. As part of this shift, we will be updating the Gerrit
ACLs for projects to ensure that the release team can handle the
releases and branching.  These updates will remove tagging and
branching rights for anyone not on the central release management
team. Instead of tagging releases and then recording them in the
releases repository after the tag is applied, all official teams
can now use the releases repo to request new releases. We will be
reviewing version numbers in all tag requests to ensure SemVer is
followed, and we won't release libraries late in the week, but we
will process releases regularly so there is no reason this change
should have a significant impact on your ability to release frequently.

If you're not familiar with the current release process, please
review the README.rst file in the openstack/releases repository.
Follow up here on the mailing list or in #openstack-release if you
have questions.

The project-config change to update ACLs and correct issues with
the build job definitions for official projects is


[1] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/centralize-release-tagging.html

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