[openstack-dev] [all][infra][ptls] tagging reviews, making tags searchable

John Dickinson me at not.mn
Fri Mar 18 15:16:00 UTC 2016

On 18 Mar 2016, at 7:15, Amrith Kumar wrote:

> As we were working through reviews for the Mitaka release, the Trove team was trying to track groups of reviews that were needed for a specific milestone, like m-1, or m-3 or in the recent days for rc1.
> The only way we could find was to have someone (in this instance, me) 'star' the reviews that we wanted and then have people look for reviews with 'starredby:amrith' and status:open.
> How do other projects do this? Is there a simple way to tag reviews in a searchable way?
> Thanks,
> -amrith

We've had 3 iterations of tracking/prioritizing reviews in Swift (and it's still a work-in-progress).

1) I write down stuff on a wiki page. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Swift/PriorityReviews Currently, this is updated for the work we're getting done over this next week for the Mitaka release.

2) Gerrit dashboards like https://goo.gl/mtEv1C. This has a section at the top which included "starred by the PTL" patches.

3) A dashboard generated from gerrit and git data. http://not.mn/swift/swift_community_dashboard.html The "Community Starred Patches" is a list of the top 20 commonly starred patches by the Swift community. Basically, for every person who has gerrit activity around Swift, I pull their stars. From that I can see which patches are more commonly starred. I also weight each person's stars according to their level of activity in the project. This gives a very good idea of what the community as a whole finds important.

I've found a role for all of these tools at different times--I don't think one is generally better than another. Right now as we're finishing up a release for Mitaka, all 3 tools are useful for helping coordinate the remaining work.

My generate community dashboard isn't done. There's a lot more information I can pull and use to help prioritize reviews. I plan on working on this after the Mitaka release gets cut. Here's a teaser for the next thing I'll be doing: given a person's email, generate an ordered list of patches that person should review or work on to be most effective.


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