[openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev][All] Api development question

Valeriy Ponomaryov vponomaryov at mirantis.com
Tue Mar 8 13:35:15 UTC 2016

"Not found" means API you request is not registered. AFAICS, you
register "access_groups",
but request "access-groups". Diff in symbols "_" and "-".

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 1:34 PM, <nidhi.hada at wipro.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am working on a feature for share access in manila.
> For that lets say for creating the entity, I created client and server
> counterpart.
> I am stuck as my client request is not able to reach server resource
> I have created for it. This is client server log
> http://paste.openstack.org/show/489642/
> manila/api/v2/router.py
> This is my router entry
> from manila.api.v2 import access_groups
> .
> .
>         self.resources["access_groups"] = access_groups.create_resource()
>         mapper.resource("access_group", "access_groups",
>                         controller=self.resources["access_groups"],
>                         collection={"detail": "GET"},
>                         member={"defaults": "GET"})
> I don’t understand what mistake I have made that the request
> Is not getting mapped to correct resource.
> stack at controller:/opt/stack/manila/manila/api/v2$ ls access_groups.py
> access_groups.py
> stack at controller:/opt/stack/manila/manila/api/v2$
> This is access_groups.py snippet
> http://paste.openstack.org/show/489667/
> Can someone please help in pointing, what can be probable reason of this ?
> I have checked the flow from client to server, not able to catch the
> mistake..
> Regards
> *Nidhi Mittal Hada*
> *Architect | PES / COE* – *Kolkata India*
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Kind Regards
Valeriy Ponomaryov
vponomaryov at mirantis.com
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