[openstack-dev] [all][tc] Equal Chances for all projects (was Plugins for all)

Hayes, Graham graham.hayes at hpe.com
Tue Jul 26 13:23:05 UTC 2016

On 26/07/2016 14:18, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> Excerpts from Luigi Toscano's message of 2016-07-26 15:02:28 +0200:
>> On Tuesday, 26 July 2016 08:34:27 CEST Doug Hellmann wrote:
>>> Excerpts from Andrea Frittoli's message of 2016-07-26 10:24:07 +0000:
>>>> What still requires work in Tempest is the stable interface. Because
>>>> plugins are not in the Tempest tree, the QA team recommend that they use
>>>> only tempest stable interfaces. Increasing the surface of stable
>>>> interfaces
>>>> is what keeps a lot of the QA folks busy.
>>>> There's a lot of code in tempest that was written under the assumption
>>>> that
>>>> all tests would always live in the tempest tree; evolving that code into a
>>>> stable publicly consumable interface is simply a lot of work, which the QA
>>>> team is prioritising based on the input from plugins.
>>>> Tempest plugins are for all right now. Keystone, Cinder and Neutron
>>>> already
>>>> have a plugin today. We don't want tests which are not relevant for
>>>> integration or defcore to be added to Tempest, and that is true for *all*
>>>> services.
>>> Thank you for those details, and for confirming that the situation
>>> is more or less what I expected (it's in progress, creating a stable
>>> API takes work, etc.). Where would someone who wanted to contribute
>>> look for details? Are there specs or an etherpad with a task list
>>> or something like that?
>> Andrea can share more details as he is driving the Client Manager refactors,
>> but for example:
>> http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/qa-specs/specs/tempest/client-manager-refactor.html
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-tempest-service-clients
> Good.
>>> And just to satisfy my own curiosity, how does someone looking at the
>>> internals of tempest know what's on the stable API and what's not
>>> considered stable? Are the parts of the API documented separately
>>> somehow or is there a different part of the code tree to look at?
>> tempest.lib is the stable part (previously split in a separate tempest-lib
>> repository, which is now deprecated as the code was put back into the main
>> tempest repository):
>> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/overview.html#library
> That seems quite clear, thanks.

it is actually a bit more -


>> Ciao
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