[openstack-dev] [cinder][python-client-api] Retrieve host-name attribute of Cinder Volume

Pradip Mukhopadhyay pradip.interra at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 16:20:35 UTC 2016

Thanks, Yuriy.

My question was: how can I retrieve the "host at backend#pool" from the
pythonclient API of volume listing? Once I have that, I should use this
method to extract the pool-name.

But how can I access this info? CLI is showing this as in the following

stack at openstack4:~/devstack$ cinder show
|                Property               |
Value                 |
|              attachments              |
[]                  |
|           availability_zone           |
nova                 |
|                bootable               |
false                 |
|          consistencygroup_id          |
None                 |
|               created_at              |
2016-01-06T14:21:32.000000      |
|              description              |
None                 |
|               encrypted               |
False                 |
|                   id                  |
e8be1df5-64fb-43fa-aacd-9bebba17fba5 |
|                metadata               |
{}                  |
|            migration_status           |
None                 |
|              multiattach              |
False                 |
|                  name                 |
None                 |
|         *os-vol-host-attr:host         |  openstack4 at SCSIBackend#pool1*
|     os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat    |
None                 |
|     os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id    |
None                 |
|      os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id     |
4713f79411844a29b3f53d5fd7502784   |
|   os-volume-replication:driver_data   |
None                 |
| os-volume-replication:extended_status |
None                 |
|           replication_status          |
disabled               |
|                  size                 |
1                   |
|              snapshot_id              |
None                 |
|              source_volid             |
None                 |
|                 status                |
available               |
|               updated_at              |
2016-01-06T14:21:34.000000      |
|                user_id                |
89b4af10bc1a473caff22384c844bc6f   |
|              volume_type              |
iscsi_1                |

Now in python client API, I am not able to get that field :(

>>> volumes = cinder.volumes.list()

>>> volumes

[<Volume: e8be1df5-64fb-43fa-aacd-9bebba17fba5>]

>>> type(volumes[0])
<class 'cinderclient.v2.volumes.Volume'>

>>> volumes[0].id


>>> volumes[0].host
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
line 464, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(k)
AttributeError: host
>>> volumes[0].os-vol-host-attr
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
line 464, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(k)
AttributeError: os

Essentially what is the way to get the attribute from the API?



On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 9:28 PM, Yuriy Nesenenko <ynesenenko at mirantis.com>

> Sorry, of course this
> https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/utils.py#L575
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 5:57 PM, Yuriy Nesenenko <ynesenenko at mirantis.com>
> wrote:
>> You can use this function
>> https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/utils.py#L5
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 5:44 PM, Pradip Mukhopadhyay <
>> pradip.interra at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> From CLI, I can see the host-name in the cinder show command as follows:
>>> |         os-vol-host-attr:host         |  openstack4 at mySCSIBackend#pool1
>>> |
>>> How this info can be accessed from the cinder python client?
>>> I can access other information (id, size, name etc.) as follows:
>>> >>> volumes = cinder.volumes.list()
>>> >>> volumes
>>> [<Volume: e8be1df5-64fb-43fa-aacd-9bebba17fba5>]
>>> >>> volumes[0].id
>>> u'e8be1df5-64fb-43fa-aacd-9bebba17fba5'
>>> >>> volumes[0].volume_type
>>> u'iscsi_1'
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pradip
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