[openstack-dev] [kuryr] Failed to create network with kuryr driver type

Mars Ma wenchma at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 08:57:09 UTC 2016


updated the latest kuryr version, my test results as follows, still have
problem with docker network( docker cannot list the created net, but
neutron can show the net):

ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ docker network create --driver=kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr
--subnet --gateway --ip-range foo
ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER
930eca310a8d        bridge              bridge
e8014eb4639b        none                null
b01a88b4eeef        host                host
ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ docker network inspect
Error: No such network:
ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ neutron net-list
| id                                   | name
                              | subnets
| 3eb0d213-bc61-476a-bd80-c7d61ae2eb26 | public
                              | 0fdb03d7-14e5-442f-a266-37b5e4f10b9e
2001:db8::/64       |
|                                      |
                               | 214ea0c3-fbc3-49af-aa20-61f6a4b093d2       |
| 137a1090-579e-474c-b2f3-cc5abf25995a | private
                               | ffdb2d89-79e4-45a1-b04e-1ffa6054fc64
fd08:2d1f:7110::/64 |
|                                      |
                               | e11a5238-56a5-4dc2-9fe2-06531b6fcc6e         |
| 7dd8a176-e96e-409b-8882-860772bf7754 |
05100e855096913e648c7c35e80176d72f37bdc8519938202c8ce21e63bf4fbc |
c2129bdc-710a-4a7e-9e03-6e9e71ec0ea8        |

Thanks & Best regards !
Mars Ma

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 7:15 PM, Antoni Segura Puimedon <
toni+openstackml at midokura.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 7:26 AM, Mars Ma <wenchma at gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi Vikas,
>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ docker network create --driver=kuryr
>> --ipam-driver=kuryr --subnet --gateway --ip-range
>> foo
>> 68f14fe701710d6f3472d1626c33f0036a145aaa8d81265429e509cf759adfe1
>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ docker network ls
>> NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER
>> 8cbbcae5d143        bridge              bridge
>> d64b70ca9b64        none                null
>> 65510a4e71de        host                host
>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ neutron net-list
>> +--------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
>> | id                                   | name
>>                                 | subnets
>>                |
>> +--------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
>> | 29f8fd92-26f5-42b6-86db-ae09fc77cd91 | public
>>                                 | 18dcdefd-741f-4ec2-ba22-60610f071ed7
>> 2001:db8::/64       |
>> |                                      |
>>                                  | 430a7e0b-ca74-41a1-a6b0-d8958072eee2
>>       |
>> | db489255-be4e-439d-babd-20a52a412e25 |
>> 68f14fe701710d6f3472d1626c33f0036a145aaa8d81265429e509cf759adfe1 |
>> 18e035b2-d26d-488a-b780-9c91eb36b294        |
>> | 37475896-5f2a-4308-a4cd-8095cefa3b7c | private
>>                                  | 1e69eb3c-08a9-4312-882d-179c1e546aed
>> fd54:99bd:a3b8::/64 |
>> |                                      |
>>                                  | 08a1b408-3915-4d11-932d-f8c3e9ee4c0f
>>         |
>> +--------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ docker run --net=foo -itd --name=container1 busybox
>> Unable to find image 'busybox:latest' locally
>> latest: Pulling from library/busybox
>> 583635769552: Pull complete
>> b175bcb79023: Pull complete
>> Digest:
>> sha256:c1bc9b4bffe665bf014a305cc6cf3bca0e6effeb69d681d7a208ce741dad58e0
>> Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest
>> 4a7ad6fe18174e3e427e73283325446929daf9af87fb11534f9febc91acca272
>> Error response from daemon: Cannot start container
>> 4a7ad6fe18174e3e427e73283325446929daf9af87fb11534f9febc91acca272: network
>> foo not found
>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$
>> why does not docker list the created network? but neutron can list it.
>> any comment ?
> Do you have etcd installed and Docker talking to it?
> Which capability scope are you using in kuryr.conf?
>> Thanks & Best regards !
>> Mars Ma
>> --------------------------------
>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 6:18 PM, Vikas Choudhary <
>> choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Cheers :) !!!!!!
>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Mars Ma <wenchma at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Much thanks to @Vikas
>>>> Thanks & Best regards !
>>>> Mars Ma
>>>> --------------------------------
>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Vikas Choudhary <
>>>> choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mars,
>>>>> Your problem will be solved by this patch,
>>>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/265744/ . It has not been merged yet
>>>>> though.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Vikas
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Mars Ma <wenchma at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Vikas,
>>>>>> I added your fix , and also have problem, but different :
>>>>>> $ neutron subnetpool-list
>>>>>> +--------------------------------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> | id                                   | name  | prefixes          |
>>>>>> default_prefixlen | address_scope_id |
>>>>>> +--------------------------------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> | 360765af-fd5d-432c-990f-f787600c30ab | kuryr | [u''] |
>>>>>> 24                |                  |
>>>>>> +--------------------------------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ sudo docker network create -d kuryr
>>>>>> --ipam-driver=kuryr kuryr
>>>>>> Error response from daemon: Plugin Error:
>>>>>> NetworkDriver.CreateNetwork, {
>>>>>>   "Err": "u'Gateway' is a required property\n\nFailed validating
>>>>>> u'required' in schema[u'properties'][u'IPv4Data'][u'items']:\n
>>>>>>  {u'description': u'IPv4 data',\n     u'example': {u'AddressSpace':
>>>>>> u'foo',\n                  u'AuxAddresses': {u'db': u'',\n
>>>>>>                                u'web': u''},\n
>>>>>>  u'Gateway': u'',\n                  u'Pool': u'
>>>>>>'},\n     u'properties': {u'AddressSpace':
>>>>>> {u'description': u'The name of the address space.',\n
>>>>>>                 u'example': u'foo',\n
>>>>>> u'type': u'string'},\n                     u'AuxAddresses':
>>>>>> {u'description': u'A list of pre-allocated ip-addresses with an associated
>>>>>> identifier as provided by the user to assist network driver if it requires
>>>>>> specific ip-addresses for its operation.',\n
>>>>>>         u'patternProperties': {u'.+': {u'$ref':
>>>>>> u'#/definitions/commons/definitions/ipv4',\n
>>>>>>                                        u'description': u'key-vavule pair of
>>>>>> the ID and the IP address'}},\n
>>>>>> u'type': u'object'},\n                     u'Gateway': {u'$ref':
>>>>>> u'#/definitions/commons/definitions/cidr',\n
>>>>>>    u'description': u'Optionally, the IPAM driver may provide a Gateway for
>>>>>> the subnet represented by the Pool.'},\n                     u'Pool':
>>>>>> {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/commons/definitions/cidr',\n
>>>>>>           u'description': u'A range of IP Addresses represted in CIDR
>>>>>> format address/mask.'}},\n     u'required': [u'AddressSpace', u'Pool',
>>>>>> u'Gateway'],\n     u'type': u'object'}\n\nOn instance[u'IPv4Data'][0]:\n
>>>>>>  {u'AddressSpace': u'', u'Pool': u''}"
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$ neutron subnetpool-list
>>>>>> ubuntu at kuryr1:~$
>>>>>> Thank you & Best regards !
>>>>>> Mars Ma
>>>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Vikas Choudhary <
>>>>>> choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Mars,
>>>>>>> Your code seems to be missing missing this fix:
>>>>>>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/265732/
>>>>>>> Please try with this and let us know if any issues further.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> -Vikas
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Mars Ma <wenchma at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> hi Vikas,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply, I tried your method, looks like that the
>>>>>>>> previous problem disappear,
>>>>>>>> but a new problem came out:
>>>>>>>> $ sudo docker network create -d kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr kuryr
>>>>>>>> Error response from daemon: failed to allocate gateway (): invalid
>>>>>>>> CIDR address: /24
>>>>>>>> $ neutron subnetpool-list
>>>>>>>> +--------------------------------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>> | id                                   | name  | prefixes
>>>>>>>>  | default_prefixlen | address_scope_id |
>>>>>>>> +--------------------------------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>> | 3c52c9dd-579e-4648-8ea7-e2af059d2914 | kuryr | [u'']
>>>>>>>> | 24                |                  |
>>>>>>>> +--------------------------------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+
>>>>>>>> it got invalid gateway CIDR address:  /24 , I don't know why
>>>>>>>> Thanks you & Best regards !
>>>>>>>> Mars Ma
>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Vikas Choudhary <
>>>>>>>> choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Mars,
>>>>>>>>> Please use "--ipam-driver=kuryr" also. Kuryr has its own ipam
>>>>>>>>> driver.
>>>>>>>>> Please refer this also:
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/openstack/kuryr/blob/master/doc/source/devref/libnetwork_remote_driver_design.rst#libnetwork-user-workflow-with-kuryr-as-remote-network-driver---host-networking
>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>>>>>> -Vikas
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Mars Ma <wenchma at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I used the devstack to deploy kuryr to integrate openstack
>>>>>>>>>> neutron and docker, but encounter some errors like:
>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo docker network create -d kuryr kuryr
>>>>>>>>>> Error response from daemon: failed to parse pool request for
>>>>>>>>>> address space "GlobalDefault" pool "" subpool "": cannot find address space
>>>>>>>>>> GlobalDefault (most likely the backing datastore is not configured)
>>>>>>>>>> $ ./scripts/run_kuryr.sh
>>>>>>>>>>  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
>>>>>>>>>>  * Restarting with stat
>>>>>>>>>>  * Debugger is active!
>>>>>>>>>>  * Debugger pin code: 451-362-807
>>>>>>>>>> - - [14/Jan/2016 09:23:03] "POST /Plugin.Activate
>>>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 200 -
>>>>>>>>>> - - [14/Jan/2016 09:23:03] "POST
>>>>>>>>>> /NetworkDriver.GetCapabilities HTTP/1.1" 200 -
>>>>>>>>>> - - [14/Jan/2016 09:23:03] "POST
>>>>>>>>>> /IpamDriver.GetDefaultAddressSpaces HTTP/1.1" 200 -
>>>>>>>>>> any comment is appreciated ?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks you & Best regards !
>>>>>>>>>> Mars Ma
>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------
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