[openstack-dev] [glance] question for OpenStack User Survey

Brian Rosmaita rosmaita.fossdev at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 23:05:56 UTC 2016


We have the opportunity to submit one question for the upcoming User
Survey, which launches on or before February 1.  We'd receive responses
in advance of the February PTG, so this would be a good opportunity for
glancers who are thinking of organizing design sessions at the PTG to
get some user input to discuss at the PTG.

The question is due on January 9, so I'll put an item on the January 5
meeting agenda, and if there are multiple contenders, we can discuss and
vote to select the question likely to have the most impact.

As far as the question format goes, you can have one of:
* multiple choice, pick one of up to 6 items
* multiple choice, pick all that apply of up to 6 items
* short answer
(Both multiple choice formats allow an "other" option for a write-in

You also get to specify who you want the question aimed at:
* people using Glance in a production/test cloud
* people testing Glance in a production/test cloud
* people interested in Glance
(You can pick more than one group.)

Add your question to the agenda for the January 5 meeting:


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