[openstack-dev] [kolla][vote] Core nomination for Dave Walker (Daviey on irc)

Swapnil Kulkarni coolsvap at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 01:46:26 UTC 2016

On Aug 24, 2016 2:15 AM, "Steven Dake (stdake)" <stdake at cisco.com> wrote:
> Kolla core reviewers,
> I am nominating Dave Walker for the Kolla core reviewer team.  His 30 day
review stats [1] place him in the middle of the pack for reviewers and his
60 day stats[2] are about equivalent.  Dave participates heavily in IRC and
has done some good technical work including the Watcher playbook and
container.  He also worked on Sensu, but since we are unclear if we are
choosing Sensu or Tig, that work is on hold.  He will also be helping us
sort out how to execute with PBR going into the future on our stable and
master branches.  Dave has proven to me his reviews are well thought out
and he understands the Kolla Architecture.  Dave is part time like many
Kolla core reviewers and is independent of any particular affiliation.
> Consider this nomination as a +1 from me.
> As a reminder, a +1 vote indicates you approve of the candidate, an
abstain vote indicates you don't care or don't know for certain, and a –1
vote indicates a veto.  If a veto occurs or a unanimous response is reached
prior to our 7 day voting window which concludes on August 30th, voting
will be closed early.
> [1] http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/kolla/30
> [2] http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/kolla/60
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