[openstack-dev] More on the topic of DELIMITER, the Quota Management Library proposal

Jay Pipes jaypipes at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 15:18:46 UTC 2016

On 04/22/2016 07:51 AM, Amrith Kumar wrote:
> If it doesn’t make it harder, I would like to see if we can make the
> quota API take care of the ordering of requests. i.e. if the quota API
> is an extension of Jay’s example and accepts some data structure (dict?)
> with all the claims that a project wants to make for some operation, and
> then proceeds to make those claims for the project in the consistent
> order, I think it would be of some value.

Amrith, above you hit upon a critical missing piece: a *consistent*, 
*versioned* way of representing the set of resources and capabilities 
for a particular request.

Each service project has its own different expectations for the format 
of these requested resources and capabilities. I would love to get to a 
single, oslo.versioned_objects way of describing the request for some 
resources and capabilities.

I'm working on a spec that proposes standardizing the qualitative side 
of the request (the capabilities). In Nova, we're getting close to 
standardizing the quantitative side of the request (resources). 
Hopefully before too long I'll have a spec up that explains my vision of 
this unified request representation.


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