[openstack-dev] Summit Core Party after Austin

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Thu Apr 21 20:04:45 UTC 2016

On 04/21/2016 02:08 PM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Michael Krotscheck
> <krotscheck at gmail.com <mailto:krotscheck at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hey everyone-
>     So, HPE is seeking sponsors to continue the core party. The reasons
>     are varied - internal sponsors have moved to other projects, the Big
>     Tent has drastically increased the # of cores, and the upcoming
>     summit format change creates quite a bit of uncertainty on
>     everything surrounding the summit.
>     Furthermore, the existence of the Core party has been...
>     contentious. Some believe it's exclusionary, others think it's
>     inappropriate, yet others think it's a good way to thank those of
>     use who agree to be constantly pestered for code reviews.
>     I'm writing this message for two reasons - mostly, to kick off a
>     discussion on whether the party is worthwhile.
> The rationale for the creation of the first "core party" in Hong Kong
> was to facilitate a setting for informal discussions that could bring
> about a consensus on potentially-contentious cross-project topics, when
> there was no other time or location that brought together all the TC
> members, PTLs, and project core reviewers -- many of whom did not yet
> know each other. Note that Hong Kong was the first summit where the
> Technical Committee was composed of elected members, not just PTLs, and
> we did not have a separate day at the design summit to discuss
> cross-project issues.
> The first cross-project design summit tracks were held at the following
> summit, in Atlanta, though I recall it lacking the necessary
> participation to be successful. Today, we have many more avenues to
> discuss important topics affecting all (or more than one) projects. The
> improved transparency into those discussions is beneficial to everyone;
> the perceived exclusivity of the "core party" is helpful to no one.
> So, in summary, I believe this party served a good purpose in Hong Kong
> and Atlanta. While it provided some developers with a quiet evening for
> discussions to happen in Paris, Vancouver, and Tokyo, we now have other
> (better) venues for the discussions this party once facilitated, and it
> has outlived its purpose.
> For what it's worth, I would be happy to see it replaced with smaller
> gatherings around cross-project initiatives. I continue to believe that
> one of the most important aspects of our face-to-face gatherings, as a
> community, is building the camaraderie and social connections between
> developers, both within and across corporate and project boundaries.

I was in the middle of an email that said some of this, but this says it 

So, ++

> -Devananda
>     Secondly, to signal to other organizations that this promotional
>     opportunity is available.
>     Personally, I appreciate being thanked for my work. I do not
>     necessarily need to be thanked in this fashion, however as the past
>     venues have been far more subdued than the Tuesday night events
>     (think cocktail party), it's a welcome mid-week respite for this
>     overwhelmed little introvert. I don't want to see it go, but I will
>     understand if it does.
>     Some numbers, for those who like them (Thanks to Mark Atwood for
>     providing them):
>     Total repos: 1010
>     Total approvers: 1085
>     Repos for official teams: 566
>     OpenStack repo approvers: 717
>     Repos under release management: 90
>     Managed release repo approvers: 281
>     Michael
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