[openstack-dev] [all][glance] Add Sabari Kumar Murugesan <smurugesan at vmware.com>

Flavio Percoco flavio at redhat.com
Mon Nov 23 20:20:32 UTC 2015


I'd like to propose adding Sabari Kumar Murugesan to the glance-core
team. Sabari has been contributing for quite a bit to the project with
great reviews and he's also been providing great feedback in matters
related to the design of the service, libraries and other areas of the

I believe he'd be a great addition to the glance-core team as he has
demonstrated a good knowledge of the code, service and project's

If Sabari accepts to join and there are no objections from other
members of the community, I'll proceed to add Sabari to the team in a
week from now.


Flavio Percoco
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