[openstack-dev] [magnum] Networking Subteam Meetings

Daneyon Hansen (danehans) danehans at cisco.com
Thu Nov 5 19:18:24 UTC 2015


I apologize for issues with today's meeting. My calendar was updated to reflect daylight savings and displayed an incorrect meeting start time. This issue is now resolved. We will meet on 11/12 at 18:30 UTC. The meeting has been pushed back 30 minutes from our usual start time. This is because Docker is hosting a Meetup [1] to discuss the new 1.9 networking features. I encourage everyone to attend the Meetup.

[1] http://www.meetup.com/Docker-Online-Meetup/events/226522306/
[2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Container_Networking_Subteam_Meeting

Daneyon Hansen
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