[openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step

Davanum Srinivas davanum at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 00:03:48 UTC 2015

fyi, the spec for zeromq driver in oslo.messaging is here:

-- dims

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Alec Hothan (ahothan)
<ahothan at cisco.com> wrote:
> Hi Oleksii,
> Thanks for putting together the slides, they are well done and extremely
> useful!
> I find this 0MQ driver redesign proposal a much needed improvement over the
> current design.
> However it is worth debating the need to keep the proxy server and I would
> be interested to hear from others as well if they feel like this is
> something we should pursue.
> Also do we know the level of interest we have in the community to contribute
> to, use or support a production grade 0MQ driver in the future?
> Comments inline...
> From: ozamiatin <ozamiatin at mirantis.com>
> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 3:52 AM
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
> Hi,
> I'll try to address the question about Proxy process.
> AFAIK there is no way yet in zmq to bind more than once to a specific port
> (e.g. tcp://*:9501).
> Apparently we can:
> socket1.bind('tcp://node1:9501')
> socket2.bind('tcp://node2:9501')
> but we can not:
> socket1.bind('tcp://*:9501')
> socket2.bind('tcp://*:9501')
> So if we would like to have a definite port assigned with the driver we need
> to use a proxy which receives on a single socket and redirects to a number
> of sockets.
> Right you can only bind once on a given ip/port.
> It is a normal practice in zmq to do so. There are even some helpers
> implemented in the library so-called 'devices'.
> Here the performance question is relevant. According to ZeroMQ documentation
> [1] The basic heuristic is to allocate 1 I/O thread in the context for every
> gigabit per second of data that will be sent and received (aggregated).
> The other way is to 'bind_to_random_port', but here we need some mechanism
> to notify the client about the port we are listening to. So it is more
> complicated solution.
> It is all relative and I actually find it simpler overall than using a proxy
> ;-)
> Dynamic port binding has some benefits as well, is widely used and is a well
> known/understood pattern.
> In the current implementation, messaging end points register their topic to
> Redis with the host address (and implicitly on the well known port 5901), it
> would have been possible to register the host+port instead if we were to
> consider bypassing the proxy.
> Why to run in a separate process? For zmq api it doesn't matter to
> communicate between threads (INPROC), between processes (IPC) or between
> nodes (TCP, PGM and others). Because we need to run proxy once on a node
> it's easier to do it in a separate process. How to track the proxy is
> running already if we put it in a thread of some service?
> There would not be any proxy at all. Each end point (nova compute, ovs
> agent, neutron server...) would simply listen on its unique IP+port (that's
> real peer to peer)
> In spite of having a broker-like instance locally we still stay brokerless
> because we have no central broker node with a queue we need to replicate and
> keep alive. Each node is acutally a peer. The broker is not a standalone
> node so we can not say that it is a 'single point of failure' .
> You are correct in that regard (i.e. "node" level), but there is also
> process level HA (meaning if the proxy process goes down for whatever
> reason, all end points in that node become unreachable). One complication to
> keep in mind is that some production deployment schemes (those that use a
> container or a VM to deploy openstack services) would have to accommodate
> that extra proxy process (in the same way that they do today with rabbitMQ
> clusters) by adding one extra service "container" just for the proxy which
> is pretty heavy handed since you can't bundle that proxy process with any
> other container. For example a typical compute node would have 2 "packages"
> (nova-compute and ovs agent for example), with that proxy there will be a
> need to have a third package.
> We can consider the local broker as a part of a server. It is worth noting
> that IPC communication is much more reliable than real network
> communication.
> One more benefit is that the proxy is stateless so we don't have to bother
> about managing the state (syncing it or having enough memory to keep it)
> I agree the proxy server is not very complex and likely solid, but there are
> also downsides to it as well.
> Talking about TCP sockets vs. IPC sockets (which are probably based on unix
> domain sockets), you'll have to note that you won't be able to use IPC if
> the proxy server will have to run inside a VM by itself (as would be the
> case for certain deployment schemes), and you'd have to use TCP sockets in
> that case (with the extra burden of connecting the end points to the proxy
> server while they all can potentially reside in different Vms - you cannot
> just use  to find the local proxy server).
> I'll cite the zmq-guide about broker/brokerless (4.14. Brokerless
> Reliability p.221):
> "It might seem ironic to focus so much on broker-based reliability, when we
> often explain ØMQ as "brokerless messaging". However, in messaging, as in
> real life, the middleman is both a burden and a benefit. In practice, most
> messaging architectures benefit from a mix of distributed and brokered
> messaging. "
> Brokers and middlemen are beneficial in many situations no question about
> it. In this particular situation there is actually already a "broker" of
> sort which is the redis server ;-) The redis server acts like a name server
> and allows dynamic discovery of services (topics and the associated
> addresses).
> Brokers are interesting for 2 reasons:
> decouple participants of a communication infra (e.g. you do not want to
> hardcode anything about peers, their count and their addresses), this can be
> done by a broker a la 0MQ example or by a name server
> do something special about messages that are being brokered (e.g.
> persistence, replication, multicast, load balancing etc...), things that you
> can't do with simple peer to peer connections and things where RabbitMQ
> (presumably) excels
> Given that the proxy server does not seem to do anything special with the
> messages (other than forwarding/unicasting) and given that Redis could
> provide a full end to end addressing, it seems that the need for a proxy is
> greatly diminished.
> A list of drawbacks in having a proxy server in every node:
> potential deployment complications as noted above,
> total connection count is higher compared to proxy-less design - this could
> be a problem if we ever get to the point of encrypting every connection (btw
> 0MQ supports encryption since version 3 although I have not personally tried
> it)
> 1 more hop for every message in both directions
> not clear if the proxy would propagate disconnection events from one side to
> the other?
> need to tend to the buffering and flow control in the proxy (one policy may
> not fit all needs and will it still be state-less)
> Lastly, note that the Redis server itself could be clustered for HA (a
> feature added recently) and this might be something we may have to look at
> as well because it is another point of failure (it would be awkward to put
> the redis server on 1 controller node where HA calls for 3 controller nodes
> for example).
> I'm still relatively new to oslo messaging and still have a lot of questions
> regarding a deployment based on 0MQ. I think it is important that we assess
> properly the forces in favor of this protocol and make sure it does provide
> a better option than rabbitMQ at production scale using measurable evidence.
> Thanks
>   Alec
> Thanks,
> Oleksii
> 1 - http://zeromq.org/area:faq#toc7
> 5/26/15 18:57, Davanum Srinivas пишет:
> Alec,
> Here are the slides:
> http://www.slideshare.net/davanum/oslomessaging-new-0mq-driver-proposal
> All the 0mq patches to date should be either already merged in trunk
> or waiting for review on trunk.
> Oleksii, Li Ma,
> Can you please address the other questions?
> thanks,
> Dims
> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Alec Hothan (ahothan)
> <ahothan at cisco.com> wrote:
> Looking at what is the next step following the design summit meeting on
> 0MQ as the etherpad does not provide too much information.
> Few questions:
> - would it be possible to have the slides presented (showing the proposed
> changes in the 0MQ driver design) to be available somewhere?
> - is there a particular branch in the oslo messaging repo that contains
> 0MQ related patches - I'm more particularly interested by James Page's
> patch to pool the 0MQ connections but there might be other
> - question for Li Ma, are you deploying with the straight upstream 0MQ
> driver or with some additional patches?
> The per node proxy process (which is itself some form of broker) needs to
> be removed completely if the new solution is to be made really
> broker-less. This will also eliminate the only single point of failure in
> the path and reduce the number of 0MQ sockets (and hops per message) by
> half.
> I think it was proposed that we go on with the first draft of the new
> driver (which still keeps the proxy server but reduces the number of
> sockets) before eventually tackling the removal of the proxy server?
> Thanks
>   Alec
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