[openstack-dev] [tc][python-clients] More freedom for all python clients

Boris Pavlovic boris at pavlovic.me
Tue Jan 13 15:53:28 UTC 2015

Jeremy, Sean,

First of all because I would like to make a Rally official part of
OpenStack and if I remove
Rally from project.txt this won't happen.

On other side I would like to make OpenStack better. And OpenStack includes
as well
projects on StackForge. That for some reason were rejected. In my opinion
all projects
in equal portion deserver good testing framework.
And I as PTL of Rally would like to adopt it for everybody.

P.S. It's sad that in one thread we are talking about making Big Tenant and
how it is cool
to remove programs. In another we are blocking adding python clients from
that are not Core and suggesting another making incompatible with

Best regards,
Boris Pavlovic

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Jeremy Stanley <fungi at yuggoth.org> wrote:

> On 2015-01-13 07:46:38 -0500 (-0500), Sean Dague wrote:
> > Why doesn't rally just remove itself from projects.txt, then there
> > would be no restrictions on what it adds.
> I second this recommendation. If Rally wants to depend on things
> which are not part of OpenStack and not required to run or test
> OpenStack in an official capacity (and since it's not an official
> OpenStack project it's entirely within its rights to want to do
> that), then forcing it to comply with the list of requirements for
> official OpenStack projects is an unnecessarily restrictive choice.
> --
> Jeremy Stanley
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