[openstack-dev] [all] Group Based Policy - Announcing Release

Sumit Naiksatam sumitnaiksatam at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 17:56:06 UTC 2015

The first release of Group Based Policy (GBP) [1] is now available! It
is designed to work with OpenStack stable Juno, and comprises of four
Service, Client, Heat Automation, and Horizon UI

This release includes GBP network policy drivers for connectivity
rendering using Neutron, configured with any core plugin (including
ML2)[2], or OpenDaylight Controller [3]. In addition, vendor-specific
policy drivers are available for Cisco ACI [4], Nuage Virtual
Services’ Platform (VSP) [5], and One Convergence Network
Virtualization and Service Delivery (NVSD) Controller [6].

This release introduces the foundation of the Group Based Policy model
that provides for the following features:

* Intent-driven declarative abstractions
* Separation of application, network, and security concerns
* Late binding to facilitate non-linear workflows
* Ability to introduce operator modulation in the form of admin constraints
* Policy-driven Network Services’ composition and chaining
* Policy-driven external connectivity abstractions

Fedora [7] and Ubuntu [8] packages are available for installation
(RHEL and CentOS packages are being tested). An all-in-one single-step
devstack installation is also available with usage instructions [2].
Please give it a try; we would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Please also join the weekly IRC meetings [9] or on #openstack-gbp.

Team GBP.

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy
[2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy/InstallDevstack
[3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy/InstallODLIntegrationDevstack
[4] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy/InstallCiscoACI
[5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy/InstallNuage
[6] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy/InstallOneConvergence
[7] https://openstack.redhat.com/Neutron_GBP
[8] https://launchpad.net/~group-based-policy-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
[9] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Neutron_Group_Policy

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