[openstack-dev] [devstack] Possible issues cryptography 1.0 and os-client-config 1.6.2

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Aug 18 20:14:56 UTC 2015

On 19 August 2015 at 03:51, Sean Dague <sean at dague.net> wrote:

> So... I'm at Linux Con this week, meaning that things will be slow. I
> think - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/208582/ (slightly updated this
> morning) will get devstack users working again. And I agree, we really
> need devstack and the gate to be convergent on their solution here, not
> divergent.

So unless something has changed, devstack users are broken only on
Fedora - and the constraints thing won't protect them at this stage
because of two things.

Firstly, the bug isn't a cryptography bug - its a setuptools / pip
thing resulting in the .so pip installs being in the arch neutral path
rather than lib64, and this would work except that devstack also
installs python-cffi, which then masks the pip updated one. I don't
know why devstack is installing the binary package :/. This is a
Fedora platform specific bug - it doesn't show up on Ubuntu - either
because devstack doesn't install the ubuntu python-cffi package, or
because pip/setuptools on ubuntu don't have the same disconnect with
system packages in the same way. I'm not sure which.

Secondly, until we have a gate on openstack/requirements that checks
devstack-on-fedora, fedora developers will be exposed to this sort of
thing from time to time :/.


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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