[openstack-dev] Travis yaml file on Horizon

Joshua Harlow harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Wed Mar 12 16:10:37 UTC 2014

Openstack has it's own CI system that is independent of travis, so I'm not sure the benefit of adding it into horizons repo.

If u have a public fork what stops u from putting the file/s in that fork? Seems like u should be able to manipulate your fork however u want.

Sent from my really tiny device...

On Mar 12, 2014, at 5:09 AM, "Adam Nelson" <adam at kili.io<mailto:adam at kili.io>> wrote:

I see that horizon doesn't use Travis CI

Is that a political decision?

If not, would there be resistance to adding a minimal .travis.yml file to horizon/master so that other people can use travis for their public horizon repos?  Travis requires the file to exist on all branches for historical reasons.

This wouldn't oblige the use of Travis but it would make it easier for me since we're actively developing on a public fork and use Travis.

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