[openstack-dev] [Oslo] Improving oslo-incubator update.py

Duncan Thomas duncan.thomas at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 16:03:01 UTC 2014

On 15 January 2014 18:53, Brant Knudson <blk at acm.org> wrote:

> At no point do I care what are the different commits that are being brought
> in from oslo-incubator. If the commits are listed in the commit message then
> I feel an obligation to verify that they got the right commits in the
> message and that takes extra time for no gain.

I find that I very much *do* want a list of what changes have been
pulled in, so I've so idea of the intent of the changes. Some of the
OSLO changes can be large and complicated, and the more clues as to
why things changed, the better the chance I've got of spotting
breakages or differing assumptions between cinder and OSLO (of which
there have been a number)

I don't very often verify that the version that has been pulled in is
the very latest or anything like that - generally I want to know:
 - What issue are you trying to fix by doing an update? (The fact OSLO
is ahead of us is rarely a good enough reason on its own to do an
update - preferably reference a specific bug that exists in cinder)
 - What other incidental changes are being pulled in (by intent, not
just the code)
 - If I'm unsure about one of the incidental changes, how do I go find
the history for it, with lots of searching (hense the commit ID or the
change ID) - this lets me find bugs, reviews etc

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