[openstack-dev] [Openstack] [TROVE] Manual Installation Again

Mark Kirkwood mark.kirkwood at catalyst.net.nz
Fri Mar 7 05:03:44 UTC 2014

I've been looking at setting up Trove manually, and of course the first 
document I stumbled on was:


Now, while this proved to be very handy, there are some points where it 
is wrong, and others where it is errm...lean. So in the spirit of trying 
to improve things here I go.

The wrong concerns the action given to trove-manage in the "Prepare 
Database" section:

$ trove-manage --config-file=<PathToTroveConf> image_update mysql
     `nova --os-username trove --os-password trove --os-tenant-name trove
     --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:5000/v2.0 image-list | awk 
'/trove-image/ {print $2}'`

This should probably be:

$ trove-manage --config-file=<PathToTroveConf> datastore_version_update 
mysql mysql-5.5 mysql
     `nova --os-username trove --os-password trove --os-tenant-name trove
     --os-auth-url http://<KeystoneIp>:5000/v2.0 image-list | awk 
'/trove-image/ {print $2}'` 1

...which is a bit of a mouthful - might be better to break it into 2 steps.

The lean area concerns the stuff in "Prepare Image". It seems to me that 
more needs to be done than simply converting to qcow2. After spending a 
while reading stuff in trove-integration/scripts repo I suspect that 
something like following is needed:

1/ setup relevant os user (e.g trove or stack) for what follows
2/ install mysql 5.5 in the image (or arrange it to be installed on 1st 
3/ setup keys so guest can rsync the trove client software (or install 
it in the image to avoid the need)
4/ configure the trove guest agent service to start (otherwise db 
instance stays stuck in 'BUILD' state forever)

I note that the trove-integration repo uses diskimage-builder and triplo 
to do all these mods to the initial base image.

Now I understand that some of this area is gonna be in flux (e.g use of 
first-boot.d in the tripleo elements), but some mention of what 
customizations to the base image are needed would be most excellent.



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