[openstack-dev] [Heat] OS::Heat::InstanceGroup deploy Bare-metal instance

Nora Zhou Nora.Zhou at harmonicinc.com
Mon Mar 3 04:31:33 UTC 2014


I recently use OS::Heat::InstanceGroup to deploy multiple Bare-metal instances. I Also hope to attach network for these Bare-metal instances. However, the resource OS::Heat::InstanceGroup and AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration both has no network property.

What can I do to attach network for Bare-metal instance? I have already tried some way.

1.    Use AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup instead of OS::Heat::InstanceGroup because AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup has a property named "VPCZoneIdentifier". However, this method can only apply to non-Bare-metal instance. There would be error "no valid host found" if used to deploy Bare-metal instance. I checked the log and the error is "PortNotUseable" so that I suspect the error is related to my setting the property "VPCZoneIdentifier".

2.    I changed the code in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/heat/engine/resources/autoscaling.py. I added a property "SubnetId" in resource OS::Heat::InstanceGroup, and it works. I don't know if it is a proper way to solve this problem.

Can you provide some information about how to attach network for OS::Heat::InstanceGroup ?


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