[openstack-dev] [nova][cinder][ironic][qa] Tempest+Ironic volume attachment tests

David Shrewsbury shrewsbury.dave at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 14:58:27 UTC 2014


The ironic team is working on enabling the API tempest tests with ironic. However,
ironic doesn’t yet completely support volume attachment, so the cinder api tests
fail miserably (where attachment is needed).

Proposed solutions are:

1) Disable cinder in devstack-gate when ironic is used.

2) Create a new “attach_volume” compute feature flag and check for it in the various
    tempest tests (a grep for “attach_volume” in tempest shows several potentially
    affected tests).

It’s been suggested that since this is a feature listed in our hypervisor support
matrix [1], then #2 might be the best option.

Are there any preferences, or other suggestions, from the nova and QA folks?


[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HypervisorSupportMatrix

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