[openstack-dev] [glance]A question abount the x-image-meta-property parameter.

王宏 w.wanghong1 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 09:11:00 UTC 2014

Hi all.

If I use the following command to create an image:
curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token:268c536db05b435bb6e631158744e3f6" -H
"x-image-meta-property-IMAGE-TYPE:xxx" -H "x-image-meta-name:test" -X POST

I will get the following results:
{"image": {"status": "queued", "deleted": false, "container_format": null,
"min_ram": 0, "updated_at": "2014-01-26T08:51:54", "owner":
"9a38c1cda5344dd288331b988739c834", "min_disk": 0, "is_public": false,
"deleted_at": null, "id": "696ab97d-0e6f-46f1-8570-b6db707a748b", "size":
0, "name": "test", "checksum": null, "created_at": "2014-01-26T08:51:54",
"disk_format": null, "properties": {"image_type": "xxx"}, "protected":

The capital letters in the property will be converted to lowercase letters
and "-" will be converted to "_"("IMAGE-TYPE"=>"image_type").

Is it a bug? Thanks.

Best regards.
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