[openstack-dev] a "common" client library

Jesse Noller jesse.noller at RACKSPACE.COM
Thu Jan 16 11:47:57 UTC 2014

On Jan 16, 2014, at 5:42 AM, "Chris Jones" <cmsj at tenshu.net<mailto:cmsj at tenshu.net>> wrote:


Once a common library is in place, is there any intention to (or resistance against) collapsing the clients into a single project or even a single command (a la busybox)?

(I'm thinking reduced load for packagers, simpler installation for users, etc)

Chris Jones

Based on the email I sent; ideally we'd expand the blueprint to include these details and speak to the PTLs for each project.

Ideally (IMO) yes - long term they would be collapsed into one or two packages to install. However at very least the code can be made so that the core functionality is in the common/single sdk backend and openstackcli, and each project CLI can derive their named/branded project specific one for that.

For standalone installs of nova or swift for example; not pushing users to use the entire openstackclient makes sense, instead guiding users to use a tool dedicated to that.

There are pros and cons on both sides, meeting in the middle at least collapses the heavy lifting into the common code base.

On 15 Jan 2014, at 19:37, Doug Hellmann <doug.hellmann at dreamhost.com<mailto:doug.hellmann at dreamhost.com>> wrote:

Several people have mentioned to me that they are interested in, or actively working on, code related to a "common" client library -- something meant to be reused directly as a basis for creating a common library for all of the openstack clients to use. There's a blueprint [1] in oslo, and I believe the keystone devs and unified CLI teams are probably interested in ensuring that the resulting API ends up meeting all of our various requirements.

If you're interested in this effort, please subscribe to the blueprint and use that to coordinate efforts so we don't produce more than one common library. ;-)


[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/+spec/common-client-library-2
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