[openstack-dev] Proposal for dd disk i/o performance blueprint of cinder.

Chris Friesen chris.friesen at windriver.com
Thu Jan 16 00:21:22 UTC 2014

On 01/15/2014 06:00 PM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> What about a configuration option on the volume for delete type? I can see some possible options:
> * None - Don't clear on delete. Its junk data for testing and I don't want to wait.
> * Zero - Return zero's from subsequent reads either by zeroing on delete, or by faking zero reads initially.
> * Random - Write random to disk.
> * Multipass - Clear out the space in the most secure mode configured. Multiple passes and such.

Interesting idea, but for the "None" case I'd include the possibility 
that the user will be encrypting their data.

Also, I don't see any point for random or multipass given that anyone 
that really cares about it isn't going to trust their unencrypted data 
to someone else anyways.

Lastly, the "zero on delete" case could conceivably end up costing more 
since the provider could continue to bill for the volume while it is 
being deleted.


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