[openstack-dev] coding standards question

Sean Dague sean at dague.net
Tue Jan 7 14:46:16 UTC 2014

On 01/07/2014 09:26 AM, Greg Hill wrote:
> I got a -1 on a review for a standards violation that isn't caught by
> the automated checks, so I was wondering why the automated check doesn't
> catch it.  The violation was:
> from X import Y, Z
> According to the coding standards page on the openstack wiki, the coding
> standards are PEP8 (they just link to the PEP8 docs):
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CodingStandards and PEP8 explicitly says
> this format is allowed.
> It was pointed out that there's an additional wiki page I had missed,
> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/hacking/ which specifies this rule.
>   So now that I see it is a rule, it comes back to my original question,
> why is it not enforced by the checker?  Apparently there's not a flake8
> rule for this either https://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/2.0/warnings.html
> So, two questions:
> 1. Is this really the rule or just a vaguely worded repeat of the PEP8
> rule about import X, Y?
> 2. If it is the rule, what's involved in getting the pep8 tests to check
> for it?

Writing the hacking test to support it - 

The policy leads the automatic enforcement scripts, so there are plenty 
of rules in the policy that are not in automatic enforcement. 
Contributions to fill in the gaps are welcomed.

> My own personal frustration aside, this would be helpful for other
> newcomers I imagine.  We have some pretty rigid and extensive coding
> standards, so its not reasonable to expect new contributors to remember
> them all.  It's also much nicer to have an automated tool tell you you
> violated some coding standard than to think you were ok and then have
> your code rejected 2 weeks later because of it.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> P.S. I can fix the wiki to point to the right page after the discussion.

Agreed, it's all about bandwidth. Contributors on hacking to help fill 
it out are appreciated. Right now it's mostly just Joe with a few others 
throwing in when they can.


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America
sean at dague.net / sean.dague at samsung.com

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