[openstack-dev] Devstack Error

Ben Nemec openstack at nemebean.com
Thu Feb 27 17:37:22 UTC 2014


The role add sounds like a problem where a variable didn't get
initialized correctly, but that's about all I can guess from this, and I
don't know anything about devstack-gate so I'm afraid I can't help with

Sean's devstack errexit change (which just merged) might help you track
this down since devstack will fail immediately instead of trying to
continue and failing later as it seems to be doing now. 


On 2014-02-26 02:53, trinath.somanchi at freescale.com wrote: 

> Hi Ben- 
> Can you give a guess of the problem. 
> I feel that there might be some error with devstack-gate which brings down the things from git and configure it in the system. 
> The first error started at "openstack role add: error: argument -user: expected one argument" 
> Do I need to check or verify any other configuration for this issue. 
> Kindly help me resolve the same. 
> -- 
> Trinath Somanchi - B39208 
> trinath.somanchi at freescale.com | extn: 4048 
> FROM: Ben Nemec [mailto:openstack at nemebean.com] 
> SENT: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 9:23 PM
> TO: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> SUBJECT: Re: [openstack-dev] Devstack Error 
> On 2014-02-25 08:19, trinath.somanchi at freescale.com wrote: 
>> Hi Stackers- 
>> When I configured Jenkins to run the Sandbox tempest testing, While devstack is running, 
>> I have seen error 
>> "ERROR: Invalid Openstack Nova credentials" 
>> and another error 
>> "ERROR: HTTPConnection Pool(host='', port=8774): Max retries exceeded wuth url: /v2/91dd….(caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused) 
>> I feel devstack automates the openstack environment. 
>> Kindly guide me resolve the issue. 
>> Thanks in advance. 
>> -- 
>> Trinath Somanchi - B39208 
>> trinath.somanchi at freescale.com | extn: 4048
> Those are both symptoms of an underlying problem. It sounds like a service didn't start or wasn't configured correctly, but it's impossible to say for sure what went wrong based on this information. 
> -Ben

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