[openstack-dev] [TROVE] Trove capabilities

Craig Vyvial cp16net at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 00:51:37 UTC 2014


I've noticed something that i think is quickly getting out of control using
the trove-manage cmd. I saw this with datastores and now similar to what
you are describing for the capabilities.

What i would like to see is more like categorizing the cmds.

trove-manage datastores [update, version_update]
trove-manage capabilities [add, remove, associate, unassociate]

I mainly suggest this so that we wont have 20 top level cmds to run from
trove-manage. I'd like to see this something that capabilities sets as a
new standard. It also falls in line with the nova-manage cmd as well.

nova-manage services [describe_resource, list, enable, disable]

I'll respond to some of the other things later.


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Kaleb Pomeroy <kaleb.pomeroy at rackspace.com
> wrote:

>  I'm not sure I understand the first question, but it seems like you are
> asking how the default capabilities are determined. First, they should all
> be documented. Secondly, we can have defaults setup by migrations. I agree
> that this is not as seamless as a default config file, and that segways
> into question two.
> We want to eventually serve this data to the customers. As far as I know,
> there is no precedent in Openstack to serve configuration file data to
> customers. All customer presented data should be contained in the database,
> not in flat files. Additionally, management via the api becomes much more
> complex when I have to write to files instead of adding removing database
> rows.
> As far as enabled/disabled capabilities, having enabled/disabled for each
> feature is more prone to errors or inconsistencies. Having a list of
> allowed features solves the same problem without needing to maintain a full
> set of features and associated flags for each datastore/version. We agreed
> this approach much cleaner and simpler than the prior.
> Implementation will be coming shortly - I'm still working on that. I'll
> let you know as soon as I have something ready for review.
> Also, supposedly, the discussions we had last week are recorded and
> available via some means, but I don't know where. A lot of this was
> discussed there if you weren't able to make it.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Denis Makogon [dmakogon at mirantis.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:18 AM
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [TROVE] Trove capabilities
>    First of all, how does Trove knows what kind of capabilities it can
> give to users ?
>  We should have some kind of identity, that stores the restricted
> description of all capabilities. Suggested variant is not acceptable,
> because you could register any kind of capabilities in database.
>     Main point: Trove should have restrict description of all possible
> capabilities, and it's should not be stored in backend table.
>      Design: What is a capability? - Almost totally disagree.
> Only datastore vesrion association is significant, common capabilities
> table is not needed at all, because all new features(capabilities) assums
> that Trove will be re-deployed from scratch. It means that capabilities
> description would be updated only 2 or 3 time per release.
>      Design: Why isn't this in config files? - Agreed, my solution design
> doesn't required restart. Magic happes in runtime.
>  Development: How are capabilities checked? - Option 2 is more
> preferable, because capabilities should be stored as dictionary object that
> has next structure:
> Unfortunately given design is too broad, i dont see any implementation
> steps description. Please provide more details and flow examples with
> pseudo-code.
> Best regards,
> Denis Makogon
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 12:13 AM, Kaleb Pomeroy <
> kaleb.pomeroy at rackspace.com> wrote:
>> *Design: What is a capability?*
>> A capabilities is an attribute of a datastore/version that allows dynamic
>> code flow for different datastore/versions, The presence of a capability
>> determines which code path is taken. A capability is an ID, a friendly name
>> (used in our code), and a lengthy description (for displaying to the user).
>> *Design: Where do they live?*
>> Capabilities will live in their own table. In addition, there will be an
>> association table to map between datastore versions and capabilities.
>> *Design: Why isn't this in config files? *First, they will be able to be
>> viewed by customers, and modified by operations. That does not lend itself
>> to config files. Additionally, we should be able to change a datastores
>> capabilities without a restart.
>> *Operations: What happens if the capabilities table is not populated?*
>> We are setting everything to be *default off* for all features. For
>> mysql to support ephemeral_volumes it would need to be added to the
>> capabilities table and properly associated to each version of mysql.
>> *Operations: How do you manage them?*
>> For the first pass, trove-manage commands. There will be a
>> add_capability, remove_capability, associate_capability_with_datastore, and
>> unassociate_capability_from_datastore (name are completely off the top of
>> my head and subject to discussion/change).
>> *Development: When/where are capabilities checked/determined?*
>> Any time you would want to fork paths. The check for ephemeral_volume
>> would happen right before the cinder volume is created, whereas the
>> database capability would be checked as soon as possible in the api layer.
>> *Development: How are capabilities checked?*
>> This is still to be determined.
>> Option one (the one discussed at the meetup):
>>     if(cfg.cababilites.mysql.ephemeral_volumes):
>>         do_code()
>> Option two:
>>     if "ephemeral_volumes" in datastore.manager.capabilities)
>>         do_code()
>> The advantages of option one is consistency in checking the cfg object
>> for configuration like things. I think that is worse than checking a
>> property of the datastore. The advantage of the second way is that is more
>> cleanly expresses what is happening under the hood without any additional
>> cost. I have the second option about complete, so we can see what that
>> looks like soon.
>> Most of this was discussed and agreed upon last week, I just wanted to
>> recap and confirm with everyone on what our objectives and goals are. If
>> there are unanswered questions, lets discuss sooner rather than later.
>> - KPom
>> * Bonus: API discussion for future development (not right now) *I
>> suggest we expose only the capabilities that belong to a specific
>> datastore. As a customer, I shouldn't know every feature available, just
>> the ones on the datastore they are looking at.
>> GET /{tenant_id}/datastores/{datastore_version_id}/capabilities
>> Eventually, we would want the following admin routes available, but that
>> is mitigated by the trove-manage stuff.
>> [GET | PUT | POST | DELETE] /capabilities
>> [POST | DELETE] /datastores/datastore_version_id/capabilities
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* Denis Makogon [dmakogon at mirantis.com]
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:00 PM
>> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [TROVE] Trove capabilities
>>     I know that Kaleb is working on that.
>>  But we(me, Kaleb, rest of guys) decided that i'm gonna present my own
>> vision of Capabilities.
>> That is what i'm doing now. Basicaly, at meetup you all could discuss
>> design in general, i suppose.
>>  Best regards,
>> Denis Makogon.
>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 7:42 PM, Daniel Salinas <imsplitbit at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> We're at the trove meetup for the rest of this week but you should speak
>>> with Kaleb Pomeroy from Rackspace.  He's generated some code on this
>>> particular subject.
>>>  On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Denis Makogon <dmakogon at mirantis.com>wrote:
>>>>   Goodday OpenStack DBaaS communtiy.
>>>>  I'd like to start topic related to design of capabilities [1].
>>>>  This question was raised when multiple datastores where integrated
>>>> into Trove (such as redis, cassandra, mongo in instance modes). We
>>>> encountered a the problem when specific datastore doesn't support
>>>> operations that are the part of Trove API (core and extension). After some
>>>> discussions with the community we decided to implement "capabilities"
>>>> feature. Basicaly, "capabilities" is the list of operations acceptable for
>>>> chosen "object". To be accurate,  "capabilities" is the API for listing
>>>> available Trove API(core and extensions) per some kind of an identifier.
>>>>  Design.
>>>> I'd like to split up all tasks into small peaces:
>>>>    1.
>>>>    Nameing convintion.<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.dqx5s9nxd86g>
>>>>    2.
>>>>    DSL for writing reference to available capabilities.<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.a86gyngvxgek>
>>>>    3.
>>>>    Сustody strategy. How and what to store at the back-end?<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.p3kja3s8zex>
>>>>    4.
>>>>    Pinning to datastore or version?<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.mvusz3lj5res>
>>>>    5.
>>>>    How to load  actual API reference?<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.df6yrbqny8te>
>>>>    6.
>>>>    Default capabilities. What operations are allowed by default?<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.gjahbyoqoq5d>
>>>>    7.
>>>>    Capablities API.<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.ihzh5pv7pmci>
>>>>    8.
>>>>    Capabilities Management API.<https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1FDhenfF47UYdiqTr5dGHSG_Gk828yFuvew92I9qil5I/edit#heading=h.paouley6yndv>
>>>>  Naming convention
>>>> Suggestions:
>>>>    1.
>>>>    Filename convension:
>>>>  {datastore or datastore_version_manager}.capabilities
>>>>    1.
>>>>    Attribute convension:
>>>>  Trove-"API-section":
>>>> - method: Identifier
>>>>     Available sections: instance, backip, users, schemes.
>>>>     Capability Identifier: ALLOWED/BLOCKED
>>>>   DSL for writing reference to available capabilities
>>>> There are several options of DSL's that can be chosen for writing
>>>> capabilities references, options:
>>>>    1.
>>>>    JSON.
>>>>    2.
>>>>    YAML.
>>>>    3.
>>>>    XML.
>>>>      Personaly i'd like to choose YAML as appropriate DSL. Described
>>>> capabilities would look like: mysql.capabilities
>>>> Trove-Instance:
>>>> - create: ALLOWED
>>>> - list: BLOCKED
>>>> - delete: ALLOWED
>>>> Trove-Backup:
>>>> - create: BLOCKED
>>>> Trove-Users:
>>>> - create: BLOCKED
>>>>  Сustody strategy. How and what to store at the back-end ?
>>>> Before suggesting database table scheme i'd like to describe what we
>>>> are going to store. It would be better to store only blocked capabilities,
>>>> its cheaper, instead of storing all capabilities, either blocked and
>>>> allowed.
>>>> Backend table scheme.
>>>>  Table 1 - Capabilities table scheme
>>>> Datastore or Datastore version manager
>>>> Capabilities
>>>> datastore or manager
>>>>   "Trove-"API-section":
>>>>                      - method: Identifier"
>>>>      Where Identifier could be ALLOWED or BLOCKED
>>>>   Pinning to datastore or datastore version?
>>>> As you can see from previous topics, it would be better to pin
>>>> capabilities directly to datastore version, since one manager could be
>>>> assigned to multiple datastore versions.
>>>>     So, capabilities backend table scheme would have next desription:
>>>>    -
>>>>    datastrove_version_manager:
>>>>  name: manager, Foreing key from DatastoreVersion table;
>>>> type: String.
>>>>    -
>>>>    capabilities:
>>>>  name: capabilities;
>>>> type: Text.
>>>>  How to load actual API reference?
>>>>     According to previous topics i forsee the next way of discovering
>>>> actual capabilities at runtime:
>>>>     Since YAML format perfectly could be loaded as Python dictionary,
>>>> the easiest way is to merge two dictionaries.
>>>>     Example:
>>>>      default_capabilities = (CapabilitiesModel.
>>>>             load_defaults(manager=datastore_version.manager))
>>>> blocked_capabilities = (CapabilitiesModel.
>>>> load_blocked(manager=datastore_version.manager))
>>>>     actual_capabilities = dict(chain(
>>>> default_capabilities.iteritems(),
>>>> blocked_capabilities.iteritems()
>>>> )
>>>> )
>>>>   Default capabilities. What operations are allowed by default?
>>>> Lets take a look at those datastore types that Trove supports. For now
>>>> it supports: mysql, redis, cassandra, mongo.
>>>>     Not so long ago community team decided to bring up Capablities
>>>> matrix [2]. By default each datastore should support core API [3] and
>>>> extensions API [4] are optional. So, i'd like to suggest to mark core API
>>>> capabilities as ALLOWED, and extensions API capabilities as BLOCKED.
>>>>  Capabilities API
>>>> Task:     describe actual capabilities per datastore version manager
>>>> HTTP method:     GET
>>>> Method name:     show
>>>> Route:     /{tenant_id}/capabilities/{datastore_version_id}
>>>> CLI call:     trove capabilities-show --datastore-version <UUID>
>>>>  Task:     list all actual capabilities
>>>> HTTP method:     GET
>>>> Method name:     index
>>>> Route:     /{tenant_id}/capabilities/
>>>> CLI call:     trove capabilities-list
>>>>  Capabilities Management API
>>>> My suggestion is to add capabilities management API to trove-manageutility (for the first iteration).
>>>>  trove-manage capabilities_update <datastore_manager>
>>>> <Trove-"API-section"> <method> <Identifier>
>>>> where:
>>>> <datastore_manager> - datastore manager (variants: mysql, redis,
>>>> cassandra, mongo, percona);
>>>> <Trove-"API-section">  - part of API (core or extension, possible
>>>> variants: Trove-Instance, Trove-Backup, Trove-Users, etc);
>>>> <method> - method available for given section of Trove API (variants:
>>>> create, delete, list, show etc)
>>>>     <Identifier> - identifier that marks method from API section as
>>>>  [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove/trove-capabilities
>>>> [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove/DatastoreCompatibilityMatrix
>>>> [3]
>>>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove/DatastoreCompatibilityMatrix#API_Matrix
>>>> [4]
>>>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove/DatastoreCompatibilityMatrix#Extensions_Matrix
>>>>  Best regards
>>>> Denis Makogon.
>>>> <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove/DatastoreCompatibilityMatrix#Extensions_Matrix>
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