[openstack-dev] Asynchrounous programming: replace eventlet with asyncio

Yuriy Taraday yorik.sar at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 18:25:08 UTC 2014

Hello, Vish!

I hope you can provide some historical data.

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvananda at gmail.com>wrote:
> To be clear, since many people weren’t around in ye olde days, nova
> started using tornado. We exchanged tornado for twisted, and finally moved
> to eventlet. People have suggested gevent and threads in the past, and now
> asyncio. There are advantages to all of these other solutions, but a change
> at this point is going to be a huge pain, even the abstracting one you
> mention above.

Can you remember what were pros and cons for threads in that time? Did
anyone consider using external HTTP server as opposed to running one in

> If we are going to invest the time in making another change, I think we
> need a REALLY good reason to do so. Some reasons that might be good enough
> to be worth considering:
> a) the cost of porting the library to a maintained python version (3.X at
> some point) is greater than replacing it with something else

I think, eventlet hits this one.

> b) the performance of the other option is an order of magnitude better.
> I’m really talking 10X here.

Will you consider other technological benefits? For example, as it happened
with Keystone and Apache HTTPD (IPv6, HTTP/1.1, Kerberos).


Kind regards, Yuriy.
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