[openstack-dev] Asynchrounous programming: replace eventlet with asyncio

Chris Behrens cbehrens at codestud.com
Fri Feb 7 07:51:52 UTC 2014

On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:07 PM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> +1
> To give an example as to why eventlet implicit monkey patch the world isn't especially great (although it's what we are currently using throughout openstack).
> The way I think about how it works is to think about what libraries that a single piece of code calls and how it is very hard to predict whether that code will trigger a implicit switch (conceptually similar to a context switch).

Conversely, switching to asyncio means that every single module call that would have blocked before monkey patching… will now block. What is worse? :)

- Chris

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